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-Mentions domestic violence

Clay's POV

One week later...

Today was the day that Sapnap, Karl and Quackity would arrive here. George and I had been staying at Skeppy and Bad's place and they gave us everything we needed. We had food, a bathroom and a bedroom together.

Before everyone was arriving, George and I planned on calling our parents to tell them we wouldn't be coming back anymore. They ruined it way too much. I was sitting next to George on our bed as I called my house phone number.

'Clay?' I heard my dad say. I put it on speaker and looked at George. He grabbed my hand and nodded to encourage me.

'Hello, I just like to say that you've failed in everything you've done. I'm not going back home and I'm staying with some friends and my boyfriend.'


I asked George to be my boyfriend when I came out of the hospital. He immediately said yes and we just kissed after that. It was a really happy memory for me.

'I have a boyfriend, yes.'

I suddenly heard some sobbing sounds in the background and my mum seemed to have grabbed the phone. 'Clay, sweetie. I'm so sorry, I'm actually so sorry. I genuinely believed that being gay is a disease, but it's not. I'm happy for you, your boyfriend must be lovely. I understand that you hate me, but can you please forgive me? I went to your therapist to realise I was in the wrong and I've been terrible to you. Dad didn't want me to help and-.'

My mum was crying loudly as my dad grabbed the phone. 'I don't accept you and I also never want to see both of you again.'

'Both?' I heard my mum ask.

It was quiet and then I heard a door slam shut. My mum was still sobbing. 'Please, forgive me. I understand that you hate me, but I love you so much, Clay. Is there a way I can make it up to you? I wanted the best for you and thought you were sick, but I was so wrong. I can't say sorry enough.'

'Mum, stop. It's fine, I forgive you.'

'Where are you? I miss you, I wanted to visit you, but your dad didn't want me to.'

'I'm staying over at a friend's house with my boyfriend. Sapnap is also coming here today.'

'Can I see you again?'

I looked at George and he nodded. 'She loves you.'

'Is that your boyfriend? Is he there? Hello! I'm Clay's mother, can you forgive me for doing this to your boyfriend?'

'It's all good, miss,' George said. 'I'm George, by the way.'

'You can visit me, mum,' I said as I smiled. 'I'm glad that you still love me.'

'I wanted to text you, but you never had your phone and your dad checked mine. I'm so sorry.'

'It's fine, I love you.'

'Can I see a picture of you and your boyfriend?'

'My face is pretty bruised though.'


'I have a bad concussion, because a teacher knocked me out.'

'I'm so sorry,' my mum cried.

'Mum, it's fine. I can video call you actually.'

I hung up to quickly call her back on my phone and held it up in front of my face. My mum had her camera on too and I saw a bruise on her face as well.

'Clay, you're so handsome and your boyfriend looks great.'

'Mum? What happened to your face?'

'Oh, nothing important.'

'Tell me.'

'Dad just hurt me sometimes when I wanted to contact you, but I'm glad that you forgave me.'

'Did dad abuse you, mum?' I asked as I sat up.

'Just sometimes, it's fine. I'm booking a ticket to go to you. Can you send me the address?'

'How often did he abuse you?'

'Clay, it's fine. Just a few times a week. I'm going to book a ticket, honey. And George, be sweet for Clay. He needs it after everything I've done,' my mum whispered. She hung up and I stared at my hands with tears in my eyes.

'No, I can't let that happen. My dad is not going to abuse my mum without having me say anything about it.' I grabbed my phone to call my dad's private number and he took the call.

'You stupid asshole, did you abuse mum? How dare you? I hate you, I actually hate you. I never want to see you again, you're just a worthless piece of shit. Don't you dare ever touch mum again or I will fly to you and beat the shit out of you.'

My dad just hung up and I rolled my eyes. 'Dumb idiot.'

George smiled and grabbed his phone. 'My turn.'

I nodded and cuddled up with him as he called his parents.

'What do you want?' his dad's voice sounded.

'I want to say that you will never see me again. I'm staying with friends and my boyfriend. I'm still gay as hell and even kissed a boy multiple times. Honestly, I can't enjoy it more to see you feel bad for it.'

'You're disgusting, you're absolutely disgusting.'

'Thank you for sending me away, I have an amazing boyfriend now. His name is Clay and he's hot as hell. I made out with him and loved it. Are you proud?'

They hung up on him and George grinned. 'I think I scared them away.'

'I think so too,' I giggled. 'They won't visit you again.'

'Luckily, those stupid assholes. I hate them with my whole heart.'

'I hate them because you hate them and because of what they've done to you.'

'Though, I'm happier than ever now.'

I gently pushed him down on the bed as I pressed my lips on his. We immediately shared a passionate kiss as I deepened it a few seconds after we started. Our kisses were always full of passion, but still really gentle and sweet. We both loved it this way.

We kissed for a little and broke apart as I kissed his nose. 'I love you, let's go downstairs to go to the airport.'

'I love you too,' George said as he stood up.

1034 words

George's parents are still dicks. Clay forgave his mother since his dad forced her to.

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