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Cover by: SxmplyMoxxi


Clay's POV

It was just after school as I sat on my bed, holding both my phone and my diary at the same time. I had my phone opened on Pinterest with some boys, gay flags and gay couples on my screen. I was writing in my diary about the fact that I liked boys a lot. Before I knew three pages were full of me ranting about the fact I was gay.

After writing two more pages about boys and me being gay, I laid my diary down on my nightstand and scrolled through Pinterest, looking at more pictures.

I had saved hundreds of pictures at this point. I was fascinated by the gay boys flag and the rainbow pride flag. I actually bought a gay boys flag, but I was in the closet so I saved it in my drawer. I loved the gay flag just as I loved the rainbow pride flag.

I looked back at my phone, looking at some pictures of gay couples with a smile on my face. I really hoped to get a boyfriend one day as well, just someone I could cuddle and kiss with, someone who would always be here for me and someone I could take care of.

I blushed when I imagined myself to be kissing with a boy and sighed. I really hoped it would happen one day.

I looked back down at my phone and started scrolling again as suddenly my door opened without any warning. I hid my phone under the sheets and stuffed my diary in my drawer as my mum walked in. She frowned at me.

'What were you doing?'

'Oh, nothing. I was just writing something down, but it was cringe.'

My mum looked weirdly and shook her head. 'Can I see your phone?'

'Why? I was just scrolling on Instagram.'

'You can just show it to me if you were only doing that, right?'

'Fine, I was texting Sapnap and he sent me a weird picture. I don't want to show it to you, because I promised him I wouldn't show anyone.'

'I don't believe you, give me your phone.'

'No,' I muttered. 'Can you just give me privacy?'

'No, I'm your mother and you listen to me. Give me your phone, right now.'

'I don't want to,' I mumbled and held my phone tightly under the sheets.

But because I was fully focused on my phone, I didn't realise my mum coming closer to my drawer. She suddenly opened my drawer and grabbed my diary.

'Give it back, that's private.'

My mum was already reading one of my pages and I managed to grab the diary out of her hands. While I tried to hide the diary, she managed to grab my phone and I just gave up at this point. She scrolled through my phone and I stood up to walk away.

TW slight homophobia (skip to end of the chapter)

My mum grabbed my wrist tightly and looked at me with a shocked look in her eyes. 'You?'

'What me? Yes, I look at boys. Just leave me the hell alone now.'

'Are you gay?' my mum asked with tears in her eyes.

'Why are you crying about me being gay?' I yelled. I sighed dramatically and walked to the door to leave my mum crying.

I went to sit downstairs on the couch, my dad was watching television and I leaned back to watch with him since I didn't have my phone. He looked up at me and nodded his head at me to greet me.

'Where is your mother?'

I shrugged. 'Upstairs.'

'Did you argue?'

'Not really, everything is fine.'

My dad was so focused on the television that he ignored my obvious lies. I started tapping my fingers on the couch as I got startled by footsteps coming down the stairs. I felt myself getting nauseous as I realised it could only be my mum. My stomach started to hurt and my hands started to shake.

I saw the door opening slowly and my mum walked in with red eyes, like she had been crying for ages. I rolled my eyes out of annoyance, how could she cry about me being gay? It was only hard for me, she shouldn't complain.

My dad looked up as my mum threw my phone back at me and he stood up when he saw my mum's red eyes. 'What's wrong, honey?' he asked.

She pointed at me and I sighed loudly. 'Just don't be so dramatic, it's so annoying,' I said.

'Dramatic? Do you know how much this hurts me?'

'What happened?' my dad asked her, clearly not wanting to hear my side of the story.

'He's g-gay,' my mum sniffed.

'Oh my goodness, go to acting classes or something. You're good at acting over-dramatic,' I yelled.

My dad turned around to look at me. 'You're gay?'

'No, I like stones,' I said as I rolled my eyes. I was ready to walk away as my wrist got grabbed again.

'Don't you dare joke about this. Do you like boys?' my dad yelled at me.

'YES, I DO,' I yelled back. 'If we are yelling, I'll yell back.'

'Don't you dare raise your voice at me. You know that you're in the wrong, right? Clay, it's better for you to leave.'

'Excuse me?'

'I think it's best if we are going to look for therapy for you so you will turn back straight.'

'What? Turn back straight? Do you know that there is no such thing as turning back straight?'

'You probably have a trauma, Clay. I understand it, but you need therapy to get better.'

'To get better?'

'It's an illness,' my dad smiled. 'I don't want you to be sick, so it's best to seek help.'

I couldn't believe what they were saying and rolled my eyes. 'I'm not turning back straight, I'm gay and that's the end of the story.'

'We are going to look for therapy, honey,' my mum said. 'You're going to get better.'

I didn't say anything anymore and ran to the door, just to slam it loudly behind me.

1020 words

Clay's parents find out Clay is gay and his dad wants to send him to therapy.

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