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Clay's POV

George and I started walking back to the building since there would be a teacher who was going to check on me very soon. Before I went inside, I hugged George against my body.

'I'm actually really happy that I've met you, I don't think I would have had any hope otherwise,' I whispered with a smile.

George smiled very cutely with a pink blush on his cheeks. 'Do you want me to come to the window at night? I will say goodbye to you.'

'Only if you want to,' I said, smiling shyly.

'It's your first night here, I want to help you get through it. I could just sneak in and cuddle with you, but that's too risky.'

I nodded. 'But it's fine if you only say goodnight to me. I can open the window and we can still hug.'

'Clay,' George muttered softly. 'Do you think I'm weird because I'm going so fast? I'm insecure about my own behaviour, but I-.'

I looked around me and kissed his nose. 'Then I'm weird as well.'

George smiled shyly and pointed at my room. 'You should go quick before someone comes in and sees us here.'

I nodded and ran my hand through his hair. 'I hope I see you somewhere today. How will everything work tomorrow?'

'We have breakfast with us all, then we have school and lunch. After lunch everyone has therapy, then we have dinner. The rest of the evening is free time.'

'Can I go outside too?'

'Unfortunately not, they only let you go when you appear to be straight again.'

I let out a muffled laugh as I tried not to make a lot of sound and looked at George. 'They actually think that you're straight again?'

George rolled his eyes. 'Born to be an actor.'

'You're a really great actor then, you're the gayest boy I've ever seen.'

'And that's coming from the gayest boy on this earth.'

'If you aren't careful, I'll kiss you in front of all those teachers tomorrow.'

'Don't you dare,' George giggled. 'I'm going to sit as far as possible from you.'

I grinned and looked at my room. 'I think I might have to go now, I don't want us to get caught.'

'Okay, see you somewhere this evening.'

'Bye,' I smiled as I gave him a hug. George walked off as I climbed inside of my room, closing the window. I crawled under my sheets to warm myself up a bit more as I started thinking about everything that just happened. Instead of turning back straight, I just kissed a boy. I was genuinely falling in love with him and that might have been weird so quick, but it was true.

I was daydreaming about George as suddenly my door opened. A male teacher came in and smiled shortly. 'You can call someone for ten minutes and after that you're going to be in your room for the rest of the day. I will be back to check on you around ten o'clock. After that I'll be sleeping in the room next to you.'

'Okay,' I mumbled and stood up as the man pointed to the hallway.

I walked with him to the local phone of the building and sat down as the man left me alone for a bit. I wrote down Sapnap's number and immediately called him.

'Clay!' Sapnap's voice sounded. 'How are you?'

'I'm okay,' I lied. I didn't want to cry on call. 'How are you?'

'I'm miss you so much, how is it going there?'

'I hate it here, but-,' I started as I looked around me to see if no one was listening to me. When I was sure there was no one, I smiled. 'I met someone.'


'It might sound stupid, but I think I fell for him immediately. Love at first sight is definitely a real thing.'

'What's his name?'

'George, we escaped for an hour and went to the forest around the building.'

'You sound happy when you speak about him.'

'He made me really happy. I'm still really sad that I'm here, but it helps to have someone.'

I'm waiting for you, I'm going to help you get out of there. Am I allowed to tell my parents that you're gay? Maybe they know what to do.'

'You can tell them, I don't mind.'

'I will, I want to help you.'

Sapnap and I spoke for five more minutes and then a man came to stand next to me so I had to hang up. I hung up after a minute and got brought back to my room.

It started getting dark and I was wondering if George would still come. I had a clock hanging on my wall and stared at it, seeing the clock hit the ten pm mark. My door opened and one of the teachers came in again to check on me. He nodded and said nothing as he closed the door behind him again. He seemed to lock my door and I heard him go to bed in the room next to me.

I stared outside, hoping George would come, but I started doubting it when it was half past ten. Just as I went to lay down in bed, I heard someone knock on my window very quietly. I stood up, opened my window and saw George standing there with a smile on his face. He held his finger in front of his mouth to show me that I couldn't talk.

I opened my arms to get a hug, George hugged me back and whispered something in my ear. 'Goodnight, Clay. I hope you'll sleep well.'

I smiled. 'Goodnight to you too,' I whispered back, giving him a short and soft kiss on his neck.

We broke the hug and George had a blush on his face. We just stood like this for a few minutes, looking into each other's eyes. I actually started falling for him and felt my stomach fill up with butterflies as we held hands.

George smiled adorably at me and then let go of my hands. 'I have to go now,' he whispered.

I nodded, lifted his hand to press a kiss on it and let him walk off. I watched him walk away and couldn't stop smiling as I went to bed.

1061 words

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