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Clay's POV

I slept for a few hours that night and got woken up by some sort of alarm. Apparently they just let the school bell ring to wake everyone up. I could shower shortly and then had to go to the public hall to have breakfast.

I looked around me at all the boys who were already sitting here and one of them came up to me. 'Are you new?'

I nodded slowly and glanced back down at my feet.

The boy tapped my shoulder and I looked up at him. 'I'm Devon,' he smiled.

'Clay,' I said as I shook his hand.

'Clay, I know you're here because you like boys as well. Before anyone comes in, you're not sick. You're normal, we are all normal here and I'm sick of those dumb idiot thinking we aren't.'

I smiled. 'Thanks.'

'I'm bisexual, by the way!'

'I'm gay,' I muttered.

'Have you met anyone else here already? I won't tell anyone if you did.'

He seemed very genuine and I smiled. 'I met George.'

'George is a great guy! Shall I tell you something about the others? We are with eleven now. Luckily there are ten others next to myself, I hate those dumb therapists and teachers.'

I nodded. 'I just came here and immediately had therapy. I walked away.'

'I do that so often, they ask way too private stuff.'

I nodded and Devon looked up. He pointed at a boy with glasses and blonde hair. 'That's Aiden, he's pansexual. He's really nice and caring, but he can get very mad at the teachers.'


Devon nodded and pointed at a boy with brown hair and very light blue eyes. 'That's Liam, don't get me wrong, but he's really annoying. He just wants to be gone here and listens to everything the teachers tell him to do. He's gay, I think, but he thinks he's straight again.'

'Pfft, sure,' I giggled.

Devon laughed and pointed at a boy with really short hair. 'That's Jacob, he's trans and gay. We don't know how they even send him here, because he gets called a girl.'

'Oh my goodness, they are such assholes. Jacob is just a boy.'

'Yeah, he is,' Devon smiled and pointed at the next one. 'That's Frank, he's queer. Then that's Finn, he's omnisexual. That's Cedric, he's unlabelled but he had a boyfriend before coming here. Then that's Robin, she's trans.'


'She has been born a boy, but wants to be a girl. She hasn't transitioned and her parents send her here. We all call her a girl. And then George and Taylor aren't here yet. George is gay and Taylor is non-binary, asexual and queer.'

'Thanks, I don't want to assume anyone's sexuality or gender. This helps a lot.'

'No problem. 'Do you go by he/him?'

I nodded. 'I'm just gay and a boy.'

Devon nodded and turned around. 'There is George,' he said. He smiled when he saw my face heating up and I immediately ran to George.


'Hey, Clay!' George enthusiastically said as he looked up at me. 'Good morning, how did you sleep?'

'Decent and you?'

'I slept alright, I kind of missed you,' George whispered.

I giggled and turned around, seeing Devon smile at us. He walked closer. 'Is there something going on here?' he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. 'Shut up.'

George giggled. 'Hi Devon, how did you sleep?'

'Good,' Devon smiled. 'I still want to go back to my parents.'

'Your parents?' I asked. 'My parents sent me here.'

'My aunt and uncle did. It's a long story, not important actually. My parents didn't mind me being bisexual, but they went on a holiday so I went to my aunt and uncle. They literally just sent me here without asking.'

'How long have you been here?'

'Eight months? I lost track of time.'

I nodded and quickly sat down at the table when I saw a teacher walk in. George sat next to me and I didn't dare to look at him as I knew I would blush when I remembered what happened yesterday. I still felt his soft lips on mine and his body pressed against mine.

I wanted to feel it again, I wanted to touch his body and kiss his lips. I wanted to share a passionate kiss with him, touch his body gently and be with him at night. It was ridiculous to think about these things as I just met him, but after we stared at each other for minutes long, I actually fell for him immediately.

I looked down at George's knees under the table and looked around me after that. No one was looking and I placed my hand on George's knee as I sat really closely next to him. George's face filled up with a dark red blush, but he continued his conversation with Devon like nothing was happening. George's hand came closer to mine, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

My stomach was completely filled up with butterflies and I started rubbing my thumb over the top of his hand. I wanted to grab his shoulders to share a passionate kiss with him here and now, but I unfortunately couldn't.

I looked at the plate a teacher put down in front of me and started eating as I softly squeezed George's hand to show him that I was thinking about him. He smiled as he looked down at his plate and I couldn't suppress a smile as well.

We both ate our meals in silence, just being comfortable as we held hands. I had the feeling that Devon was understanding what was going on between us and it seemed like he noticed us holding hands. He didn't comment on it and just ate his meal too.

Breakfast was over way too quickly, I had to let go of George to leave for school. Unfortunately no one was allowed to sit next to each other, so every table was separated. I still sat closest to George and we sometimes made eye contact as we smiled at each other.

I didn't focus on class at all, since I was way too distracted by George's amazing looks.

1040 words

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