I chuckle.

ME: No, ma. I'm good and will learn more. Uhm, I just wanna tell you that we'll be visiting the site this week.
MOM: Yes. Mr. Park will be glad hearing that. Bring your brother and Somi with you. They can help.
ME: Oh? Yes. Uhm, I'll end up this now mom. Rest well there.
MOM: Okay. I will, anak. You take care of yourself hm? I love you.
ME: Love you too, mommy. Bye!

I then ended the call and dial Rosie's number again.

ROSIE: Yes, my friend?
ME: You seem in a good mood, Rosie but I just wanna tell you that Architect Myoi is here.
ROSIE: Oh? I heard about her. I'm sorry I'm not with you, Lisapoo. Do you want me to-
ME: Uhm, no. Just take good care of Jisoo there. I just wanna tell you ahead.
ROSIE: Thank you so much for doing this, Lisa. Just tell me everything so I can help too, okay?
ME: Okay. I'll end this now. Send my regards to Jisoo. I ordered some foods and fruits for you. Just wait.
ROSIE: Awww! Thank you! What about Jennie unnie? Did you know that she's really into fruits these days?
ME: Yes. She told me. I don't know why all of a sudden, but na. As long as its healthy.
ROSIE: I'm confused too, but yea.
ME: I'll hang up now. I took too long already. I'll call you back. Bye.

I ended the call again, then headed and talked to Lee about stuffs.

Hoooh! I can do this!

I went back in the office and saw Mina checking her phone.

She look at me, I went in Rosie's table and took my phone, including my laptop.

"If you don't mind, I ordered us some lunch here." I said. She smile.

"Its fine. I'm glad." She said. I then placed my phone and laptop in the mini table.

"Uhm, maybe we can schedule the visiting this week." I said.

"Yes, but uhm. Lisa can I ask you something first?" I look at her.

"Yes. What is that?" I asked then look at the laptop again.

"Uhm, can I stay with you for a while?" I look at her again.

Ano daw?

"Uh, I'm sorry but I'm not sure about that, Ms. Myoi. I mean, I have my brother and her girlfriend there, but I'm sure there's still an available condo in the building. Do you want me to?" I asked hoping that she wouldn't be upset.

"Ahh, yes. Please? Can you accompany me? I actually don't know where to stay since I'm just new here." She said, I smile then nodded.

"Yes. Of course. I'll be glad." I said, she smile.

She's pretty. Its just her eyes and looks are scary.

"Uhm, okay. Continue." She said, we then chuckle.

"Yes, I think we'll visit the site this coming saturday? I'll bring my brother and her girlfriend. Mom said they can help us." I said, she nodded.

"You think, we'll book a hotel there for a day or two?" I asked.

"Yes. I think we should, so we could look and plan straight." She said, I nodded.

"Okay, I'll book our tickets and nearest hotel from the sight ahead, so we don't have to worry about it." I said then check something on my laptop.

I look at the time again, and its already quarter to 12. I wanna call Jennie, but I don't want to be disrespectful here.

I just get my phone then message her. Maybe, this would do to remind her right?

ME: Hon? How are you? Don't skip your lunch, baby.

Jennie Kim|

Damn this!

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