Traps and Trust

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(A/N) I was so stoked about last chapter, that I started writing this immediately after I published the last one.

Btw they did the dance in the pic above around Robin at some point. I didn't know how to describe it, so I just didn't mention it. They were hoping to summon the devil's soul from Robin's body, but it turns out that Robin wasn't possessed :'(

And also, isn't it weird that to you (readers) I'm just another trash writer on wattpad with lots of grammatical errors on my work and I'm just talking to an invisible audience who're judging what I do and possibly, just possibly, enjoying what I write? Weird.

"Ms. Keisha! Ms. Keisha! MS. KEISHA! Oh she dead, she fuckin' dead." Robin stirred awake and opened his eyes. The world was full of Wally West's grinning face.

"ARGH!" Robin pushed him away. "Please don't tell me you kissed me!"

"I didn't! calm down, princess," Wally laughed.

Robin looked around to find himself to be in some sort of containment cell. There was a wall of clear glass in front of him, but metal walls surrounding him on other sides. The cell was spacious for a jail; Robin calculated it to be roughly about 6 metres long and 6 metres wide. There were tiny red lights blinking at him where the glass met the ceiling. Some sort of panel was stuck to the edge of the glass wall on the outside.

"Are we in a cage?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks to Fury," Shuri spat. Robin turned around to find Shuri and Peter sitting behind him. He was surprised.

"What-- what are you two doing here?"

Shuri rolled her eyes, so Peter explained, "I was sleeping (finally) when Shuri woke me up over text. She told me to meet her in the Avengers compound immediately. So, I told aunt May that there was an emergency and left.

When I got there, Shuri dragged me to some sort of roller coaster tube (which was extremely cool by the way) which led us to the helicarrier. We were greeted by agents pointing guns at us and Director Fury. I had no idea what was going on until Shuri asked Fury (more like yelled) why you two were thrown into a containment cell. She said that if he didn't let you two go, then he better put us in as well. And he did." Peter scowled at Shuri. "Do you know how hard it is to get a good night's sleep for me?" he humphed.

"Don't worry, we won't be here long. Just wait till my brother finds out. We planned to come back a few hours ago, but got held up. I insisted that T'Challa take me to New York today or else..."

"Or else what?" Wally questioned.

"You don't want to know," Shuri replied in a serious tone.

"Uh, okay, but what do we do now?" Robin asked, his head was still slightly spinning.

"Well, for starters, you could tell us why you two are in a containment cell?"

So they did. They told Peter and Shuri about Banner turning into Hulk, about how they met the Falcon, Scarlet Witch and Vision, Tony's lab, Target and Del Taco with Steve, McDonalds with Clint, the DDT with the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Robin's Minecraft hacking program.

"You reprogrammed a minecraft world into a place where you can secretly hack stuff?" Shuri asked, eyes glittering with amusement and admiration.

"Cool!" Peter excalimed, clearly impressed. Robin grinned, basking in the glory.

"Which program did you use?" Shuri asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Robin said, mischeviously grinning. The other three protested, but hs refused to share his secret.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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