Duo-1 Shuri and Peter Pt. 2

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Hellooooooo, I'm gonna try and just post Author's notes at the beginning and end of each chapter cuz idk u, u dont know me. So like, yeah. Enjoy :)

- Peter/Spider-Man -

He was late. Happy was with Aunt May while Peter was in his room, going through his closet. He vowed not stay up long in his bedroom, as he didn't want Happy to be with Aunt May for long. After May found out his secret, he didn't had to hide whatever he was doing. But he also didn't want Aunt May to know certain things. He was afraid that Happy will tell Aunt May everything.

Peter came out from his bedroom and walked in on Happy and Aunt May giggling like little kids. They saw Peter then stopped. Awkward... Happy quickly got up from his chair. "So, er, are you ready?" He asked. Peter nodded slowly. "Got your suit?" He asked again. Peter nodded again, holding up a paper bag. Happy said nothing about Peter's choice to keep a high tech-filled suit in a flimsy paper bag. Peter didn't know why he chose it either.

Happy exited the apartment while Peter and Aunt May hugged goodbye. "You show 'em" May whispered in his ear. Peter smiled. They took the elevator downstairs.

Happy didn't say anything, nor did Peter. They stepped out of the elevator and got in the car. Happy sighed when he started it. Peter had enough of the silence, "So..." he said.

"So," Happy replied.

"What's Vulture doing now?" Peter asked,

"In jail, probably sleeping or something" Happy answered. Peter nodded.

They drove along the highways silently until "So what exactly happened?"


"Between you and Vulture?"

"Oh, so uh. I had a Homecoming party at school and I had a date with this girl I liked. But her Dad was the Vulture and he-" Peter stopped. Should he tell Happy that he found out he was Spider-Man or not? "He- he uh-"

"He found out you were Spider-Man?" Happy completed the sentence for him.

"Yeah, how did- how did you know?"

"Listen, kid. You were without your mask at the scene. Some guy said that he had caught Spider-Man without his mask at an area beside a carnival and I went to check it out. I only got a glimpse of you without your mask between the fire and the smoke. And no, Tony doesn't know that." (*Author's note. Ok, idk whether Happy knows that Vulture knows Peter's identity or not. But this is a fanfiction, so imma just assuume only Happy knows. Btw, Peter didn't tell Aunt May that Vulture knows his identity either)

"Oh, uh, ok."

"So tell me what happened before."

"Um, I borrowed someone's car and went to an abandoned warehouse to confront him, but it was a trap and the whole thing fell on me--"

Happy swerved wildly on the road, but he got control of the steering wheel again and stopped the car. "YOU WHAT--" He yelled.

"Whoa, calm down. I'm okay. I lifted the rubble on top of me and got out, I'm fine--"

"YOU LIFTED WHAT--" He yelled again. The cars behind them were honking angrily to tell them to get out of the way. The car was parked horizontally covering half the road, so Happy started it and drove ahead.

Peter smirked. "Oh, after the explosion of the alien tech I went inside the flames and got the bad guy out."

Happy parked the car so that the other vehicles could pass. He muttered something about 'Miol- Thor's hammer' and 'being worthy'. Peter smirked again. He didn't think about what type of reaction Happy or Tony would get, but it sure was satisfying. Aunt May was speechless and hugged him when he got to that part. Part of the reason why she was so chill was maybe she knew that he could handle himself.

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