Duo 1- Shuri and Peter Pt. 1

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"Karen, activate taser webs," said Peter, "We're gonna roast these guys!"

"Activating, taser webs." With a yell of delight, Peter jumps of a 5-story building and smoothly lands on the ground with nothing but a soft thump.

The robbers, oblivious to the fact that there is a masked 15 year old boy standing beside the front door to the bank, yell at the hostages to move to one side. "MOVE OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!" yelled one of the masked men.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, I had to stop to help a man who needed directions to the new Avengers building." Peter said as he casually walked towards the stunned robbers. "Yeah, I was confused at first too. But then I found out that the poor dude was blind. So, I had to help him out. Hey, they don't call me friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man for nothing!"

No one moved or made a sound. Awkward thought Peter. "So... are we gonna fight? Or... " One of the men yelled and fired his gun, Peter dodged it smoothly by moving sideways, jumping up and sticking to the wall. That alarmed the other robbers, so they started shooting as well. Peter had to move away from the hostages to no one would get hurt.

Glass shattered and one of the robbers accidently shot another one in the leg. He screamed in pain. Peter used that as a distraction and fired his taser webs at two of the men. Their nervous system lit up, another man put a hand on his friend's shoulder and tased himself unconscious.

He resisted the strong urge to shout "ELECTRIC BACON".

He chuckled silently to himself as he climbed the ceiling when he remembered that moment. There was only one robber left now. Glancing at his friends, he admitted defeat and threw his gun on the ground. "Don't electrocute me! Please! I'll tie up the others and myself till the cops show up. Please!" he shrieked.

"Um... ok." Said Peter. This was way too easy. Were the criminals getting dumber, or was he getting smarter? He untied the hostages, and saw the cops outside so he took his leave.

While swinging around the city, he thought back to his fight with Vulture. One thing was sure, Vulture was definitely not dumb. He was defeated by his greed. His greed to have the alien technology, to learn about them and create powerful weapons. He wanted to learn about the alien technology too, he would've, if it wasn't so dangerous. Even if he's a superhero, he will always be a science whiz.

His thoughts were interrupted by Karen announcing a call from Tony Stark. "Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter greeted.

"Hey kid, whatcha doin'?" Tony asked.

"Oh nothing, I just stopped a bank robbery. It was pretty easy. Oh and before that I helped out a blind man who was trying to find the new Avengers building." He replied, swinging from building to building.

"Uh-huh, I'll keep an eye on him. Hey kid, I wanna ask you a favor?"

What would Tony want from him? Did he want to talk about the suit? "Oh yeah, um, I mean I just found it on my bed and it said it was from you so I naturally put it on. And do I have to return it again? Cuz-"

"What are you talking about?"

"The suit? Do I have to return it?"

"What? No, it's yours to keep. I said it on the note didn't I? No, it's not about the suit. It's something else."

"Oh! Ok," Phew! He didn't have to return the suit. That was a relief. If it wasn't the suit, then why did he call?

"Anyway, the favor I need is that I need you to come with me to a meeting."

"A meeting?! With who?"

"With the King of Wakanda. T'Challa, you know him right? You met him before, on the airport?"

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