Bondings and Connections

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(A/N) I am SO sorry for the out-of-character characters last chapter. Please, I'm not a bad writer, I was forcing the characters to do what I want instead of letting them be free and express themselves. Sorry Wally, Robin, Peter, Shuri. From now on, I'm going to use the character head method which is when you think up of a scene where you are starring, then you note down everything you do and say, then you try to figure out which of the characters would say and do what. Or I'll use the mouthing method which is where you plan out the basic stuff you want in a scene then you imagine the things which a character says and figure out if they would say that or not. Or I'll use the watching method where you re-watch the movies and episodes of the characters you're writing to give you inspiration.

Hopefully this chapter makes up for it, enjoy :)

Robin and Wally were back in the interrogation room, but this time Shuri and Peter were with them. Fury was pacing in front of them, muttering to himself. Robin suspected that the Avengers were behind the mirror, listening and watching.

Fury sighed and sat down. "We're sorry, Fury," Peter apologized. The others nodded.

"Sorry doesn't fix the damage," Fury snapped. He looked up to see the four kids either looking down or staring at him in anticipation. "We need to get you two," Fury pointed at Wally and Robin, "back home as soon as possible. I don't want you exploding anything else."

"Well..." Robin began.

"What?" Fury snapped.

"It technically wasn't really our fault."

Fury's eyes narrowed, "How so?"

"It was the author's fault," Robin explained.


"The author," Shuri repeated. "The person who is writing us."

"We're in a book you see," Wally tried to explain. "Last chapter, the author made us a bit out of character."

"A lot out of character," Robin added. The others nodded.

"Listen, whatever happened in the kitchen, either way it was you who did it. And your actions have consequences." The last line earned snorts from the duos. "What?"

"Nothing," Shuri said. "It's just a vine."

"Well, whatever it is you kids still have to sort out the mess. I suggest you help the S.H.I.E.L.D agents clean up the kitchen and--" Fury was interrupted by an explosion.

"I hear the fourth wall breaking!" A sing-song voice echoed around the dull, smoking, room with pieces of rubble flying everywhere. The smoke cleared to show a man in a red and black suit with two swords attached to his back, standing on the rubble. He was holding a big gun which was smoking.

"Who're you?" Wally asked.

"I, fellow fourth wall-breaker, am the friendly merc with a mouth, Deadpool!" He declared.

"Who?" Robin tilted his head.

"You don't know me? How can you not know me? I'm extremely famous! Heck, I have my own movie! I even starred in plenty of comics!"

"Sorry, never heard of you." Peter said, Shuri nodded.

"Tut tut. I'm ashamed of you, Spidey. We even have our own comic series"

"Deadpool! Get out of here! Last time you came, it took me a week to get rid of the spider monkeys you brought!" Fury scolded.

"Whoa cool!" Wally exclaimed.

"Ha ha! That was funny," he wiped a tear away. "Tell you what Fury. If you let my fellow fourth wall-breakers go, I'll leave and be out of your hair for at least a month. Oh wait, you don't have any hair!"

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