I need a nem for this chap

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(A/N) 'yello. So, I think ppl are a bit confused with the timeline, and frankly (im so sorry frank), so am i. So in DC, this takes place before the Young Justice team is formed and before Robin and Kid Flash meet Aqualad and Speedy. Idk if Robin or Kid Flash met the other two before they met each other or after, but I just made them meet here now. Wally is 15 and Dick is 13, ik they were that old in yj, but i cudnt imagine them being any younger.

In Marvel, this is all according to the present Marvel Disney+ timeline, BUT i want to include JJ Jameson so that the duos can do justice for poor ol' Spidey. So imma add him (jjj) from the 'Ultimate Spider-Man' TV show (which is also the best Marvel animated TV show in my opinion and I absolutely love love love love love times a billion love it and def recommend u watch it). This all takes place before the Black Panther movie and after Homecoming. Peter is also 15 and Shuri is 16. Oh and Bruce Banner wasn't lost in space.

Enjoy :)

"Who are you?" Fury asks.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Kid Flash slams his hand on the table standing up.

"Uh, dude, he's supposed to be interrogating us. Not the other way around." Robin snickers.

"Oh, sorry. This is my first interrogation." Kid Flash slowly sits down.

"Just, who are you two?" Fury sighs.

"Oh, do you wanna us to open up or..." Robin asked.

"Open up?" Fury asked, confused.

Robin and Kid Flash immediately grab the chance to simultaneously say, "As a child, my family forced me to eat dogfood for dinner and--"

"No, I do not want you to open up, I want you to tell me who the fuck you two are!" Fury says with a hint of pleading in his voice.

"Oh, why didn't you ask then?" Robin grinned. Fury groaned and slumped back in the chair.

"Should we recount it in flashback mode?" Kid Flash asked.

"Yes!" Robin agreed.

[insert flashback noise]


"SHURI! PETER!" The Avengers entered the kitchen to find two teenagers standing in front of the table looking very suspicious.

"What are you hiding?" T'Challa asked, his big brother senses turning on.

"Nothing..." said Peter. Tony raised an eyebrow.

Shuri swore, "Peter! First rule of lying is to never say 'nothing' when they ask you what you are doing."

"What's that there behind you?" Steve asked.

The two teens moved to show one side of the kitchen table, cluttered with papers and a weird looking machine. "What's that?" Natasha asked

"It's noth--"

"It's a dimensional teleporter," Shuri interrupted giving Peter a glare.

"A what?" Bruce exclaimed, pushing himself in front of the group and walking towards the table to know if the machine really was what they said it was. He looked at the blueprints, then at the machine, then back at the blueprints and at the machine again. His face scrunched up in disbelief as he noticed similarities between the machine and blueprints. He let out a little gasp when he realized they were stating the truth.

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