A Day in NYC With the Avengers

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(A/N) I found out that Tony did have surgery and removed the shrapnel in the third Iron Man movie? Well, let's just say that this is a different AU and he can get his surgery after this. Btw, we won the debate round :)

And isn't 4:56 in the video above AWESOME?! I keep watching that part over and over and over and over and over and over...


"3... 2...1... Go!" Wally yelled. Robin activated the suit and flew up. He had hacked one of Tony's suits to test its schematics. Besides, that suit was in the 'waste' section in his lab. They had tampered with a few things and it was better than new now.

He zoomed around the huge lab, just barely avoiding bumping into things. Wally whooped and Robin laughed. Wally joined Robin running under him. Robin swooped up, expecting him to follow. But when he peered down, he saw Wally looking up at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Wally sighed, "I can't run as fast as my uncle, which means I can't run up walls or phase through stuff, or vibrate fast enough to turn invisible."

"Hey, you said you can run at the speed of sound right? By my math, I think you can run up walls for a brief moment," Robin said.

"That's what Uncle Barry said too," Wally replied. He took a deep breath, walked back a distance, put on his goggles and got ready. He silently counted to 50 using superspeed in his head, then ran. He heard Robin cheering for him above and sped up. He was nearing the wall. He got closer, and closer, but something held him back. He put a foot on the wall, and tried to put another foot, but he twisted his ankle and fell down.

It wouldn't have hurt that bad, if it wasn't for the fact that superspeed was involved. He let out a gasp of pain and clutched his ankle.

"Wally!" Robin cried, flying down. But his balance was off and hit a concrete-stuck table and toppled down beside Wally.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, clutching his own ankle.

Wally laughed then winced. "Bet mine hurt more than yours."

"You're bet is-- ah-- faulty. Bet mine hurts more than yours."

"You had an iron-- urgh-- an iron suit."

"That makes it hurt more, Wall."

"Haha, Wall. I see what you did there." The duo laughed, then stopped when they saw Tony standing above them, with his arms folded and a frown on his face.

"Uh... gotta go," Wally stood up. Robin did the same and they were about to run away when the doors to the lab slammed shut.

They turned around to see Tony holding a remote and still looking angry. "What are you two doing?" he asked.

"We were hungry so we decided to go out, but then we saw your lab," Robin explained. Tony made him slightly uncomfortable as he was reminded of Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents. But he chose to ignore his feelings, pushing it aside like Batman would. The grey faceplate of the dull black and grey suit opened, revealing a  sheepishly grinning boy with a black domino mask, and hair covering his forehead.

Tony sighed then looked up. "Wasn't that suit from my 'waste' section?"

"Yeah, we found it and decided to fix it for you," Wally said.

"I... I couldn't get that suit to fly because I tried to use vibranium built thrusters. How did you..." Tony trailed off.

"Er, we just rewired the system and replaced some stuff with copper circuits and a couple gold chips," Wally shrugged.

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