Duo 2- Dick and Wally Pt. 1

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Dick sighed. He scrolled through Netflix on the Bat-computer. He flicked through channel after channel, nothing seemed to interest him. He had watched all the shows which interested him. Alfred had once suggested for him to watch a movie, but he refused saying that movies are made to be watched by family and friends. Not alone.

With a frustrated sigh, he gave up and switched to Pinterest. Ever since his parents died, Dick was lost in a world full of strangers. Bruce recognized that feeling and gave him his own latest model of iPhone to distract himself from the pain. It worked, just a bit.

With apps such as Pinterest and Tumblr, Dick Grayson soon became a child of the internet, meme lord and vine specialist. He used the internet's warped sense of humor to cope with the world, but soon stopped after an incident occurred where he saw  Bruce's horrified face when he yelled "Choo choo motherfuckers" after saved a couple of criminals from getting run over by the train.

Suddenly, Batman filled up the screen where a meme 'you just got Vectored' was. He was in a flight center where they guide planes. The lights were flashing red and the staff were panicking, trying to get things under control on the planes. "Batman!" exclaimed Dick almost falling out if his seat.

"Robin, I just called to say that we need to talk after I come home." Batman grunted.

"Erm, did I do something wrong?" Dick asked hesitantly.

"No, except for the fact that I sent you home to sleep. Not sit at the Bat-computer."

"Sorry," Dick mumbled, "but do you need any help over there?"

"No, I handled it. All the planes were veered of course due to Scarecrow fear-gassing the flight control staff. I gave them the antidote we made, it worked. We'll have to make more, later. After the staff shook away their panic, they vectored the plane back to their original flight paths."

"So, I guess the planes just got vectored." Dick grinned, then burst out laughing.

Batman sighed and said, "Goodbye Dick" and cut the call.

After Dick finally stopped laughing, Alfred found him and scolded him for sneaking out of bed. "It is 3 am in the morning, hardly a time for a 13-year-old like you to stay awake." Dick patiently endured Alfred's lecture until Batman came home.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Dick asked. leaping over the short cliff edge and landing softly on the Bat-car. Bruce got out of the car and lifted his cowl. "I see you're in your pajamas."

"Yeah, Alfred forced me. So, what did you want to tell me? Are we going on a mission together? Am I going to meet the Justice League? Did Joker esca-"

"Dick, calm down. Nothing that serious. It's just that Alfred tells me that you were sneaking out at night alone again and-"

"I know! I knew that you were going to find out about that, cuz you're the world's greatest detective and I'm sorry, but- but-" Dick paused. He couldn't tell Bruce why he sneaks out, or where he goes. His thoughts flash back to the Crime Alley. The most dangerous part in Gotham city. He thinks about the streets filled with children living alone and walking alone, to all the nights he spent looking after them, clearing their path and dropping food without himself being seen.

"But what?" Bruce asked,

"Nothing." Dick sulked, Bruce got on his knelt down and put his hands on Dick's shoulders "Dick, listen to me for a minute, I know it must be hard for you to blend in with the superhero life. Believe me, it took me some time to adjust as well. I know it's hard walking down this life alone. I was lucky enough to have Alfred, when I saw you at the circus that day, I knew what it felt to be alone. That's why you're here now."

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