Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

"What about deadly creatures?"


"What about strange plants?"


"Do you think they have books about-" "Do you think they have books that can teach you how to shut up? How to study? I wish there was!"

Boscha felt ready to cry, which made her angry.

Amity seemed to regret her choice of words after she said them. She goes to speak, but the three-eyed witch speaks up first.

"Ugh, whatever! I'll be on my way!" She gets up. "And just so you know, you're not worth my time either!" With that she stormed out of the library.
>End of Flash Back<

Boscha was staring blankly at the table that she and Amity had been seated at that day.

Her heart felt like it was being compressed. That memory... All her memories with Amity... They hurt. They shouldn't, but they did...

The three-eyed witch was snapped from her thoughts when someone slammed their hands on the table she was at.

"Long time time no see, Girly girl."

She looked up and saw Zavier towering above her.

She backs away from him, knowing nothing good could come out of this.

"Oh com'on, already running away?" She turned around quickly to see Milly. "We just saw you and thought we'd say hi."

The illusionist smirked as she cracked her knuckles.

"H-hey... Uh... We can t-talk about this..."

"Okay, let's talk about this then. Talk about how you don't have your friends to run to this time." Zavier laughed.

"Did they finally leave you? Is that why you're here at the library alone?"

They were closing in on her. She could try and run away, but they were close enough to grab her if she tried.

However, she also didn't have many options.

The three-eyed witch attempted to dart past Milly, but the girl grabbed her and pulled her back.

She was stronger than the last time they encountered each other... A lot stronger.

The potion witch struggled in her grasp.

"Let me go!" She continued to try and pull away.

"Okay." The illusionist let go, causing Boscha to fall back.

Milly and Zavier were now standing on either side of her. She couldn't get up. She couldn't run.

She whimpered slightly as she looked up at them. She didn't know what to do... What to say...

Zavier grabs her by the front of her shirt and pulls her off the ground.

"You know, you still owe Milly a rematch, and I still owe you an ass kicking. How about we get that over with. Does that sound good to you?"

"I- I don't w-want to fight!"

"Then let her beat you senseless." He lets go of the front of Boscha's shirt.

The moment her feet touch the ground, Milly punches her in the gut, causing her to bend over, coughing. The illusionist then tackles her to the ground. She straddles her waist and raises her fists.

Boscha struggles underneath her, but she's unable to get her off.

Luckily for her, a Griffin rammed into the illusion track girl, sending her backwards.

The griffin comes up to Boscha, and she realizes who it is.

"H-Hey Puddles."

The griffin goes over to her.

"What the hell?!" Zavier growled. "Damn animal! Get out of the way! He grabs the griffin making it screech in pain. Puddles turned to attack him, but Zavier forced the creature off it's feet.

"Get off of him!" The three-eyed witch growled as she stood from the ground.

Zavier laughed as he looked at Boscha. "Milly! You alright? This three-eyed freak still needs to be taught a lesson."

"I'll be fine. I wasn't expecting her to have a pet with her." She responded as she made her way back over.

"She didn't have a pet!" Boscha turned quickly as she heard Viney's voice.

Next to the beast keeper was Emira, who didn't look happy at all.

"What's going on here?" Boscha heard Amity speak.

"Unhand the griffin or face the consequences!" Luz yells as she notices Puddles.

"Oh come on! Milly just wants a rematch!"

"Yeah, can't y'all just let us be, so we can take care of this useless three-eye frea-" she silenced herself as an icicle came out of the ground and stopped mere centimeters from her face.

"I dare you to continue." If looks could kill, Luz would've killed Milly five times fast.

Milly glared at the Latina as she backed away from the ice spike.

"I can't believe how weak and pathetic you are! You really can't do anything on your own, can you? You're just a worthless failure, aren't you?"

Luz made another icicle, but Zavier merely drew a circle and melted the ice spike before it got too close.

Boscha was staring up at Zavier now. The word on her back had started to burn.

"She's not a failure! She's not worthless! She's not any of those bad things!" Viney growled out.

"Yeah! Boscha is amazing! And kind! And all around, she's a great friend!" Luz hissed as she pulled out more glyphs.

"Oh, but doesn't she have a giant scar across her back that claims other wise?" Milly questioned as she walked closer to Boscha.

This caused the three-eyed witch to tense up. Luz and Amity were also shocked. How did she know about that?

However, their shock soon faded into anger as Boscha began to cry.

"Abomination... Rise." Amity spoke, her voice coated with venom.

A massive abomination rose behind her.

"Abomination... Attack."

Viney draws a circle, and puddles grabs Boscha, bringing her to them.

Meanwhile, Milly and Zavier struggled to fight the Abomination off.

"Boscha, are you okay?" Viney asked, worry clear in her tone.

She wanted to lie. To say she was fine. To stop her from worrying, but she couldn't do it... Not this time.

She broke. She began to cry more.

"No, I'm not okay! My mind is stuck in the past! I can't stop thinking about everything they did to me... I get scared when I shouldn't! I remember what I try to forget! And I can't manage to do anything on my own!" She hugged herself as she continued to cry.

Viney hugged her pink-haired friend tightly.

"Hey, it's okay, let it all out."
Hey look... Chapter Forty-Five! Also, we're reaching the end of the story everyone!

Have a wonderful day and know y'all are loved

Words- 1614
Published- 8-20-21

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