𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟤𝟪

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"You ready to see mama today?" I playfully ask My, while picking her up off the diaper changing bed. I have to go into the hospital a little earlier today, so Billies coming to pick a My.

I got her diaper bag packed with everything she needs, and her stroller ready to go.

I slip on her onesie making sure to button it at the top. I put her hearing aids onto her ears, even though she doesn't like them.

Just in time I hear the door bell ring. I walk over to answer the door, still holding My. I open the door revealing Billie who was looking down at her shoes.

When she looked up I could see her eyes light up. She turned her gaze to My and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Hey baby, mommy missed you," she said while taking her from me, and giving My kisses on the cheek, making her squeal, and giggle.

After the cute interaction, she looked over to me with a smile still on her face. "Morning Kaylee."

"Goodmorning Billie," I smile. She leaned in and gave me a side hug while kissing my temple. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept good. You?" I asked while widening my door so she could come in.

"Good. My back hurts a little but I'm fine."

My had her fingers in her mouth, so I went to the freezer to get her pacifier. For some reason she likes them cold, and will keep them in her mouth longer and won't cry.

Billie was sitting on the couch so I walked over to her, and stuffed My's binky into her mouth.

"You need me to write you a prescription to see a medical grade masseuse?"

"Yeah that would be great," she smiled.

"Alright. Just remind me when you drop her off tonight."

"Alright. By the way I love what you did with the place," Billie said nervously. Whenever me and Billie have had any interactions, since we broke up she gets all shy and nervous.

I get it though. She doesn't know how to act. This is the first time where we're in each other's lives and we aren't dating. I had to stop myself from kissing her the first few times she picked up Mayalin.

"You always knew how to decorate really well," she further complimented.

After me and Billie broke up, I decided to move out so I got an apartment. There were some apartments not too far from the hospital that were for rent, and were in my price range so it all worked out.

It was a one bedroom so it was pretty much already furnished. I honestly missed living alone. I mean don't get me wrong, I loved sleeping with someone and cuddling, but after everything it's like a breath of fresh air to just to be by myself and be able to focus on myself.

We agreed to let My live with me, since she's still breast feeding. But Billie comes and sees her four times out of a week. She would see her everyday but those days she's always booked for studio sessions, interviews, or rehearsals.

"What are y'all planning on doing today?" I ask while leaning up against the counter.

"I think Im just going to take her over my parents house since they haven't seen her in a bit. And just hangout with them all day."

"Aw how are Maggie and Patrick doing?"

"They're doing well," she smiled. "My mama told me that she called you a couple weeks ago to come over and y'all had fun baking cookies."

On The Wayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن