𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟥

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I woke up this morning with a bad ass head ache. I don't even remember getting that drunk last night, but then again when I was dancing with Marcus I was kind of drinking a lot.

I barely even remeber anything that happened last night. Because soon as I got home I KO'd. I didn't even make it to my bed I just blacked the fuck out on the couch.

I grabbed my phone off my coffee table and see a missed call and text from a unknown number. And I saw that Tanyah called me. I haven't really spoken to her or Dani all week because of our busy schedules so I'm kind of happy she called me.

I sit up and rub my eyes while pressing the call back button. It rings for a little before for she picks up.

"Heyy girl what's up!" She yells through the phone. Or maybe she's just using her regular tone? I don't know, everything's sensitive.

"Girl if you don't pipe it down" I scold her. "I'm not even being loud what are you talking about,"

"Yeah I know I'm just hungover," I say while getting up and making my way over to my fridge.

I open the fridge and wince at the bright fridge light. "Oh shit you went to a party or somthing?" "Yeah Marcus made me go to one last night to make his ex jealous or something like that" I respond kind of distracted.

Damn I really need to go grocery shopping.

"Girl why are you still messing with his ass? You need to let his ass go because even though he's nice and all...he likes you. Like a lot. And you don't like him..at all."

"I know but he knows that already." I go into my cabinet and see some oatmeal and just settle on making that. "I know but he's probably blocking you from meeting your future husband or wife, because everyone that sees y'all thinks y'all are dating."

"Well good thing I'm never getting married. I'm planning on stay single for ever anyways."

"Girl boo" Tanyah says.

"Girl did you call to preach to me or did you call for something else cause you're making my headache worse," I say playfully even though I'm slightly irritated.

"Well okay damn. But I was just wondering if you wanted to come over and smoke tomorrow and just kick it with me and Dani, since we haven't done that in a while."

"Yeah I'll come over. I miss you guys." I pouted.

"Okay good. I'm so excited. But uh I'ma let you go because I have a dick appointment, scheduled for right about now."

"Alright bye I love youuuuuu. See you tomorrow" I laugh out. "Love you too bye" she says before hanging up.

I sigh before getting my oatmeal to make it.

Once I finish my food, I decide to get into the shower just to get some hot water on me in order to snap me out of this mild hangover.

When I get out the shower I go into my room to get my clothes together. As I'm digging in my dresser for some clothes I hear my phone go off.

I look down to see somebody face timing me. I normally don't answer face times from unsaved numbers but something in me pushed me to answer this time.

I answered it and put it face up on my dresser. My heart drops when I see Billies pale ass face pop up on the screen. I immediately hang up before she can say anything, out of shock.

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