𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨

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"I'm not going to lie, I feel kind of bad but at the same time fuck her." I'm currently on a three way call with Dani and Tanyah telling them about the crazy events that took place yesterday.

"Girl I cant believe you fucking whooped her!!" Dani laughed out. I mean I will admit, it is pretty funny to think about.

But at the same time I kind of regret it? I don't regret what I did, I regret allowing her to have the ability to make me step out of my character.

I deadass only saw red when I had that belt in my hand yesterday. I was so fucking mad. Then as she was leaving I proceeded to cuss her the fuck out.

I want to say that Billie's actions don't bother me, because I expect them. But I don't. Just like the first time she managed to fool me into believing that she was only for me and nobody else and now here we are.

But even as I was cussing her out before she left yesterday I could tell that she was a second or two away from beating my ass.

She had tears streaming down her face, which I don't know whether it was from anger or if it was because I whooped her, butt ass naked while she was wet or what. But it was probably both.

Crazy part is; is that I'm still mad. I mean yeah I feel bad for what I did but I needed to do something to show her that I'm not one to be played.

I've came too far in my life to be held back. I mean, its been two whole yearss. A lot can happen in two years.

I'm not the same cheerleader Kaylee anymore who was scared to be at the top of the pyramid. I'm future full time nurse Kaylee, whose at the top of most of my classes.

As much as I don't want to admit this out loud.. if Billie came back to my door I'd probably take her back. Which is so embarrassing to admit.

I don't know what it is but I think before I reconnected with Billie, I had forgot how she made me feel. Initially it had taken a while to get over her, but as soon as I started college I kind of distracted myself with that.

Then before I knew it I got over her. I think.. I mean I did skip any songs of hers that came on the radio, or left any party I was at whenever they played bad guy.

But it was only because I knew if I had any memories of her, those feelings would most likely come back.

I guess its easy to "get over" someone that you haven't seen in a while.

And now here we are. I seen Billie once at a party since we broke up, and then the next day I had sex with her.

I don't trust myself around her

Its like majority of morals and self respect I have for myself goes out the window when it comes to her. Of course not all of it, because if that was the case I wouldn't have beat her ass yesterday.

But I just cant stay mad at her forever. What can I say.. I'm still in love with her, and love makes you do dumb things.

Even though I don't trust her enough to get back into a fully committed relationship, rightfully so. I still don't want to go back to how life was without her.

Something about Billie draws me in and holds me captive, and its not letting go of me anytime soon.

I hear a knock at my door and I already know that its Marcus. He's taking me to go pick up my car so I don't have to rely on him or uber's, for rides anymore.

"Well I gotta' go, Marcus just got here. Love yalll" I told them. They said there goodbyes and we hung up. I opened the front door to reveal a fine ass looking Marcus.

On The WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora