Ch. 54 - Fuck the Consequences

Start from the beginning

"And, get some rest boy, looks like you're coming down with something."

Hunter left the library, angry over a simple comment. He was starting to get tired of people telling him he looked like shit. Well maybe if he had his mate he wouldn't look like a walking corpse, he thought.

Glancing down at the sticky note in his hands he read off the simple sentence.

You're overthinking it! You got this! -Emrys

Right before the E in Emrys, was a scribbled out M.

Crumbling up the note, Hunter shoved it into his back pocket and decided then and there.

The next time he saw Merlin he was beating his ass.


Down the steps of the institute in the deepest part of the institute was the arena. The same place Hunter and Zekaj were separated mere months ago. And now it was the location Hunter hoped would be the place where he would begin the process of reuniting with his love.

The large door squeaked open as Hunter peered inside and saw it empty. The room was spacious and wasn't directly underneath the institute, but more off to the side.

The room was covered in a thin layer of something textured like sand, Hunter wasn't sure exactly. But it was the right texture for easy tracing.

Hunter set the book in the middle of the room and began to work.

It was hard for him to get the 3 circles drawn correctly. He tried his best to be as exact as possible, but with no aerial view, it was hard. Hunter relied on dragging his feet along the sand and hoping for the best.

Between the outermost rings, were the runes of the seven rings of hell. Hunter had finished drawing the last one. The one he was shooting for. The Edge of Hell.

All of the runes were similar to each other but different nonetheless. Hunter had spent around an hour drawing the whole thing and knew that dinner was due to start soon.

Between the innermost circle and the middle circle were runes Hunter was able to decipher from other pages of the spellbook and his own knowledge.

Portal, Spirit, Key, and Hell were the runes.

Hunter carefully stepped into the middle of the circle, minding all of the intricate lines, and appeared all around him. His work seemed correct, he wasn't missing anything to his knowledge.

Now the problem was just getting it to work.

Which according to the all-knowing Emrys, he was overthinking. Hunter couldn't help but wonder why Emrys didn't take the time to write on the sticky notes the instructions.

Fuck life lessons and learning things on your own, Hunter didn't have time for that! He needed his mate right now.

Hunter kneeled down in the middle of the ritual circle and focused all of his energy out into the ritual. Hoping for something, anything to happen.

He lost focus when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Sighing, Hunter pulled it out from his pocket.

It was from his dad like he suspected. It read,

Dinners starting in a couple minutes. You should head back soon.

Hunter ignored the text and shoved his phone back in his pocket.

Outstretching his arms, Hunter focused all of his energy back out into the ritual space.

Hunter thought about Zekaj. He thought about the void. He thought about anything he could that could possibly help him.

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