A Different Beginning ~ Part 41 ~ Updated: 1/26/15 Mid-Afternoon

Start from the beginning

Victor appeared in sight and his hand captured mine squeezing. “Luke?” 

“Can you play?” He whispered his voice shaken. 

I saw Victor’s eyes widened and I looked confused. “Of course.” He disappeared from my side and the soft melody of a piano started to fill the air. I closed my eyes listening and soon found myself drifting off. I squeezed Luke’s hand once more before I fell asleep happy that the darkness could take me away from the pain. 

**POV Luke** 

She had just gotten to sleep. Her face was drawn and her color was very pale as I lightly caressed her cheek listening to Victor’s music in the darkness of the room. I watched her breathing and made sure it evened out before I let go of her hand. She had been in so much pain and yet she had managed such a loud yell. Sang. My little bird laid in Victor’s bed exhausted and it was our fault. 

Taking a breath I signaled to Victor who ended the song and came over. I could see the pain in his eyes as well. “Let’s get back to the meeting.” I whispered and guided the other out of the room closing the door to let the little princess sleep as long as possible. 

Moving back into the meeting room the guys were all sitting at the table now all of them looking serious. I carefully shifted into the room taking my seat next to Nathan and Gabriel. The scrapes on Gabe’s face had me worried but it was Nathan who had my attention I could tell from his posture that sitting was a chore. Carefully, I lightly touched his shoulder and he flinched. Surprised I looked to him and he sighed. “They kicked pretty hard.” 

My eyes widened with fury and concern as I looked up to Kota who was standing at the end of the table. “Sang is in a ton of pain and we can’t seem to keep it together for more than five minutes!” His voice was harsh and I shivered glancing at North who had seemed to have calmed down. His eyes met mine. “How is she doing?” 

Everyone’s eyes met mine and I sighed softly. “She just fell asleep after taking something for the medicine. Her breathing is even however her complexion is pale and her fever is rising once more. The shifting of her ribs definitely took all of her strength.” 

Dr. Green shifted from the room moving to the bedroom to double check her and I looked to Mr. Blackbourne who stood at the front of the room. He was silent and that had me worried. “May I continue?” He asked looking to the rest of the males and they all nodded silently. “Nathan and Gabriel were coming out of gym when they were jumped in the hallway. Nathan had come out first taking most of the brunt and then Gabriel. Both are okay however, Nathan will be very sore for a few days having taken a number of blows to his chest and stomach area. The students who did this have been named and we will be wiring them as soon as possible.” A sheet of names were passed to Victor who nodded putting the sheet of paper safely away. “Sang brought up an interesting theory and I would like you all to listen to it with open minds. We do not know if this is true so please do not go screaming.” His eyes scanned the room and he took a breath. “Sang thought that maybe Hendricks and McCoy are working with the students and planning these different attacks at school.” 

The room was dead silent and Kota was the first to speak. “Why do you think that Sang would suggest this?” 

I glanced to Mr. Blackbourne who shifted into his seat for the first time his hands raking through his hair. “Sang put together that Mr. Hendricks had sent Mr. McCoy after her to determine what she was to us and with the reactions that we gave him…” He stopped and I could see North’s hands starting to close tight. “We gave him a weakness.” He met Kota’s eyes as he spoke and then looked at everyone individually. “Sang is our weakness.” My heart dropped and I thought of Sang laying in Victor’s room shaking and crying from pain. She was our most precious person and we had shown our hand.

The information set in and North swore loudly. “We have to do something. Not only can we not loose her but we have to protect her. She is smart, loving, and kind and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.” He slammed his hands down on the table annoyed. 

“She is our weakness but we need to think of her as well.” Kota looked to us. “She has been abused most of her life and we have now thrown her into a situation in which she will only be caused more pain. Sang is strong willed and amazing but she is influenced by us very easily. We need to spell this out for her and make sure she really wants to continue hanging out with us. We can’t tell her much about the Academy and we have to hide what we are doing from her. Sang needs to know what is going to happen in the future.” 

Silas shifted in his chair his eyes soft. “She says that she has been through worse though.” Mr. Blackbourne tensed and looked to Silas and Gabriel nodded in agreement. She had been through worse? How was that possible?! I swallowed hard. 

“She said the same fucking thing to me.” Gabriel touched the scratches on his face looking angry. “She has been hurt worse by her mother. Her back is completely filled with deep scars.” North stood. 

“How the fuck would you know!?” North’s anger grew instantly and I shifted to my brother holding his shoulder lightly. 

“North.” I warned and Gabriel looked pissed. 

“She couldn’t fucking change this morning!” He yelled at North whose eyes widened in pain. “I had to help her with her clothes.” Gabriel’s eyes were gleaming with pain as he remembered. “Her back is filled with them and they are deep not some little cut.” 

“Did you ask her about them Mr. Coleman?” 

“Fucking yeah I did but she nearly passed out on me.” He whispered his voice shaking lightly. “She told me about the time her mother pushed her into a table which caused one of them on her back.” Gabriel’s hand went to his mouth as he recalled the image. 

“I carried her to your room right after.” Silas explained. “She was really shaken up but she was holding together.” 

Victor’s eyes widened and he looked to Mr. Blackbourne shooting up. “When she woke from the nurse’s office after the run in with Mr. McCoy she was really scared. It had looked like she had a nightmare.” 

I took a few breaths and shifted in my chair as Mr. Blackbounre shifted as well. Everyone looked tense. “Mr. B we can’t send her back there.” Silas’s voice was strong and focused as he spoke. 

“There is a problem with that however.” Mr. Blackbourne rubbed his face and slipped his hand into his hair. “Before we can intervene any more than we already have we need to know about what she thinks and what she wants to do. Does she want to stay with us even though we will be putting her in danger?” 

My heart wrenched thinking of what happened in the hallway with Mr. McCoy and at lunch when Sang could barely move an inch because he had been watching us. She wasn’t used to this life but at the same time she was accustomed to the pain that had been brought upon her. I gritted my teeth and Gabriel swore. Glancing up at my brothers I could tell they were all were thinking the same thing. But what would she decide was the biggest mystery of all. If we did ask her what would she say?

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