A Different Beginning ~ Part 28 ~ Update: 1/13/15 Late Evening

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A Different Beginning ~ Part 28 ~ Update: 1/13/15 Late Evening

**POV Sang**

Quickly they all brought their jaws back up and Silas lead me to AP Biology both of us smiling and giggling.  Another class with more homework and text books. That is basically the summation of the AP classes that she had taken so far. Japanese had been fun with Dr. Green who had started with the discussion of the rubric and a discussion of group projects. 

I found it funny that he wasn’t a teacher but had probably taught me more about the Japanese culture than any other person had. Victor and I chatted a little in between transitions as he lead me to the last period of the day, gym.

Shifting into the changing room I felt the stares of a number of different girls on my back. One of them bumped into me and I flinched turning around. “Oh sorry.” She smiled and moved to a locker. 

“No worries.” I smiled and shifted into the bathroom stall to change. A couple of minutes later I appeared with shorts and a shirt on from home. Carefully tucking my stuff into the locker and locking it I followed the girls out of the room and sat on the floor the girl from the locker next to me I smiled lightly and looked to the teachers. 

Nathan and Gabriel sat across the room with the guys. They sat together chatting and made sure to make eye contact every couple of moments before the teachers started their speech. I quietly watched them and they soon broke us up into groups to play a little badminton. I held the racket lightly bouncing the birdie back and forth with another girl who smiled and bounced it back. 

I was actually having fun. I learned that her name was Karen and she was in the same grade as me but was taking a ton of different classes. She was nice. Calming. Very different than the boys. She was smart and independent and I was happy to be in her company. By the end of the period I was giggling and having fun with Karen. Everything seemed great until someone smashed into my shoulder sending my toppling to the ground in the locker room after class and my haze of happiness ended. 

My breath caught and I wheezed out a breath shaking a little. Karen knelt by my side. “Jade.” She growled and my eyes widened. 

“Oh sorry. I didn’t see her.” The girl sneered and walked away. I slowly got up with Karen’s help and smiled softly shaking slightly. 

“You okay?” She asked watching me and I nodded but I could see she didn’t believe me and grabbed my bag and then my arm. “Come on.” I followed her out of the locker room and suddenly Nathan and Gabriel were in front of us. 

“Sang?” Nathan’s eyes were wide and Gabriel shot forward. 

“Trouble? What happened?” Gabriel slipped behind me and slowly leaned out and touched my shoulder. 

“Stupid Jade.” Karen responded and slowly curled into Gabriel’s chest my head on his chest and I let out a weak wheeze of breath. His arms tensed pulling me closer. 

“Jade?” Nathan responded and Gabriel shifted. 

“Hand.” He slipped his hand to my neck and I shivered and wheezed out again. “Nate.” Gabriel’s hands rushed to my back. “We have to go.” 

Karen’s eyes met mine and I managed a small smile. “Sorry we are going to miss our bus.” I let out a soft giggle and Karen smiled. 

“Okay. I will see you tomorrow!” I smiled and waved as she rushed off and I almost crumpled into Gabriel. 

“Trouble.” He whispered and caught me making me flinch and I curled into his chest letting out a painful wheeze.

“We have to get to the bus.” I responded and slowly let go but Gabriel stayed close to me his eyes wandering my eyes. “Please… Marie will be suspicious if she doesn’t see me on the bus.” That seemed to push him and we rushed to the buses. 

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