"I'm ..." Chaeyoung says but before she can air the whole thought out of her mind, Jennie pulls her into a hug. "I love you, Chae. I love you"


Lisa has been staring at the gift she has got Chaeyoung last night when she went for a late night gift hunting with her mom.

She can't wait to see her girlfriend again after Christmas to be able to give her that small box and considering that Christmas is just in 4 days from now and it starts to snow everywhere in Korea, she decides to give her girlfriend a call after two days contemplating to do so.

But it's so strange that the blonde wouldn't pick up her call. So, Lisa sends her a few cute text messages, with a hope she'll reply. But when she doesn't get an instant reply, she starts to freak out and calling all of her friends; which turn to not pick up her call.

"It's so fucking weird" Lisa mumbles as she puts in her jacket and grabs the car key from the key hole. Her mom is probably in her home office right now so instead of telling her, she writes her a simple text and hurries to her car.

Lisa frowns as she sees the snow. She hates them. She always does and sighing a little, she gets into her car and starts driving to Mina's house. The girl lives next door to Seulgi and Lisa is in desperate attempt to know if they know anything about Chaeyoung and why she isn't picking up her call.


"Seulgi" Mina snorts. "Look who's finally here"

"Who?" Seulgi asks before she sees Lisa standing dumbfoundedly at the doorstep in her thick black jacket. Snows are all over her figure, even some in her hair when she brushes them away.

"What's with the look?" Lisa asks. "Did I screw up anything again?"

"You really be asking us that question?"

Mina asks and Seulgi nods. "Lisa, you just broke up with Chaeyoung and Sana's pregnant with your baby and you blocked all of our numbers so that you won't receive calls from us and you really have the nerve to ask that?"

"What?" Lisa frowns. "When did I break up with Chaeyoung?"

"Duh, like two days ago?"

"Two what? Says who?"

"Chaeyoung called you" Mina narrates the story. "And Sana picked up the call and she said to the blonde that you guys were done and you didn't want her anymore. So Chaeyoung is heartbroken now and we have tried many times to reach you but to no avail"

"I'm gonna kill Sana"

Lisa mumbles before Mina and Seulgi jump on her immediately. "Hey, calm down. What the fuck?"


"What do you mean?" Seulgi stares. "I don't understand"

Lisa picks up her phone from her pocket and immediately checks her blocked list. And true enough, her friends' numbers and Chaeyoung's are listed there. She shows it to Mina and Seulgi.

"Remember when I asked her to sleep at my place?"


"I think she grabbed my phone and blocked my contacts so you guys can't contact me"

"How about the baby?" Mina raises her eyebrows.

"It's not mine" Lisa yells. "It's Jungkook's and I can show you our conversation on this fucking phone to prove that I was just being a good human being trying to care for her when all she did back was stabbing me on my back!"

"Lisa! Call Chaeyoung now!"

Both of the girls yell at the Thai. "God, she's been crying for two days over something that's not true?"

Lisa nods as she calls the blonde but her call remains unanswered. Lisa has never felt this kind of emotion. She's sad, angry and confused and she doesn't know what to do now except turning back to her car and ignoring Seulgi and Mina calling for her to come back.

She needs her mom, now.




Lisa cries as she climbs up the stairs. "Mom, are you here?"

"Yes, kitten?"

Clara says as she walks out of her room. "What's.." before she can say anything, Lisa jumps on her, pulling her into a deep hug as she sobs. Clara bites the inner if her cheek for a minute before running her hand up and down the Thai's back.

"She thought we broke up"

vOtE and cOmMeNt ✊

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