˜"*°• Fabula 26 •°*"˜

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"Harry, look up there" Hermione pointed as they were watching the wards she had put up yesterday.

Harry looked up and saw a dark brown owl. He jumped up from his spot and ushered the owl down towards them.

He saw the letter in the owl's hand and grabbed it. Another letter fell from his hand that he hadn't seen but Hermione did.

"Remus said this letter took some time getting to you Harry. He thinks you should read it alone" She mumbled. Harry nodded and went back to the tent.

Ron went out to see Hermione.

Harry opened the letter and quickly read over it to see who wrote to him. He smiled at the sight of seeing his name.

Dear Harry,

I must say this past week has been absolute hell without you. I know you feel the same, I've felt what you've felt and I didn't understand why, But I do now, and I want to tell you how I feel about it.

I've had a strong understanding of what love is since I was a young child, I had the understanding it wasn't real, my father and mother loved each other to the extent that it was necessary. They loved each other for the job of providing an heir, me. I laughed at anyone who said they felt the feeling. I joked that it wasn't real and I'd never feel it.

Oh but I have, I have Harry. Love isn't something made up, or a fairytale you hear before your sleep. It's real and it feels amazing.

It feels as though you are at peace,  calm, you're centred. You feel a stronger sense of security and feeling this was such a surprise to me, because before you I felt I was lacking something important in my life. It was you, I was lacking our connection.

Love isn't simple but it isn't hard to understand. I knew I was in love the moment I met you, even though back then we couldn't call it love, but I knew without a doubt.

The way I see love, it's a person who is not expendable and cannot be easily replaced. The one you love truly is your world, your witness throughout your life.

Loving someone frees you from any chains of pain; you feel a greater sense of freedom when committed to that one person. Because you're not concentrating on finding the one! because you've already found them.

When you truly love someone you feel the warmth the universe was made to give you, the warmth of a bed, the warmth of the passion you share with your other half.

Being with you Harry has made me feel more at home than I ever have. I couldn't put into words how much I'm in love with you. How much I wish I could be in your arms.

And that's why I've made my decision. I am to be married by the end of June. My father has decided who I will marry for me. I must provide him with an heir as they provide themselves with one.

That's what I was born to do. I am a Machine of their making.

You are my peace Harry and forever will be. Until I see you, my love.

I've got you
   Sincerely yours, Malfoy.

Harry set down the latter and sighed. He sighed and he broke into a million pieces. He screamed into his pillow. Hermione and Ron ran into the tent to see what was wrong.

They saw Harry laying there with the letter tightly in his hands. He screamed and cried into his pillow like he had been cursed with a pain worse than death.

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