˜"*°• Fabula 6 •°*"˜

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"I'll run down to the kitchens for the food" Harry whispered to Ron, Seamus, and the other boys in the dorm. "Take your cloak" Ron mutters. Harry nodded and grabbed the cloak of invisibility from his trunk.

Harry walked through the portrait hole and put the cloak over him. He walked down the hallways and towards the kitchens. Careful not to get caught by the school prefects he slowly opens the kitchens door and walks inside.

Harry takes off his cloak and opens a cabinet. He grabs some food and puts it into a bag Ron had given to him.

Harry turns when he hears a noise from behind him. He looks around and sees no one so he continued to get the food. "Ahh Potter, I would have thought we would be catching Weasley in the kitchens" Draco spat from behind him. Harry sighed and turned around to see Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"Malfoy, were you really hoping it would be Ron?" Harry questioned with a smirk. The two boys beside Draco looked between them with furrowed brows. Draco shifted uncomfortably and tried to change the subject. "Well, we'll turn you in now" Draco spat. Harry rolled his eyes and moved closer. "Are you sure you to turn me in? I mean you are so close," 

"What the fuck is he talking about Malfoy?" Crabbe asked. Draco shrugged. "So what are we going to do with him?" said Goyle. "We could kick him around" Crabbe suggested. Draco stayed silent.  "Come on Draco, don't be a pussy"

"Yea Draco, don't be a pussy" Harry whispered and gave him a knowing look.

"Do it" Draco sneered. Crabbe took the first punch and slammed it right on Harry's jaw. Then after Goyle hit him four times in the gut. Harry's knees caved in and he fell to the ground.

A single tear rolled down his face as Goyle kicked his stomach repeatedly, Crabbe punched his face. Draco had said something to the guys and they stopped. Harry couldn't see their faces and could barely hear them.

After a few moments, he faintly saw their figures leave the room and Harry laid there, staring at the place Draco once stood.

He let them do it, but Harry didn't stop them. What else would Draco do so people didn't suspect his feelings for the chosen one? What lengths would he reach to?

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