˜"*°• Fabula 23 •°*"˜

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"How am I supposed to go in there?" Draco asked as he started to have a panic attack. "Hey- Hey breathe," Harry said and placed his hands on the sides of Draco's face.

"Hey look, you've got me ok. I'll be by your side" He reassured.

The four of them ran through the ministry trying to run from the guards. Draco through a spell behind them to give them more time to run away.

"Hermione watch out" Draco yelled. He threw a spell behind her and one of the men fell backwards.

Hermione turned to give him a quick smile but her face quickly dropped when she saw Draco's father behind him.

Harry stopped mid spell and tried to run for Draco. Ron stopped him and blasted someone backwards who was coming after them.

The pain ran through his entire body. From his toes to his head, his blood felt like it was boiling. He couldn't hear Hermione yell for him, nor could he hear Harry beg for his father to stop.

"K-keep going" Draco yelled with his last bit of energy. "I-ill be ok, run Harry"

And they did, they made it through the last gate and Draco's vision when pitch black.

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