Oh Me, Oh My

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Jungkook smiled as he, Jimin, and Taehyung walked out of a store. They all had bags in their hands.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook and smiled. "Jimin! He's smiling!" He said as he gently nudged Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled. "Yeah, cause I'm with you guys! My best friends... and I haven't thought about him... until now..." Jungkook said as he frowned again.

"Ah! No no! Ummm uhhh." Taehyung said.

"Jungkookie, I bet you that you can't get a prize from that claw machine over there." Jimin said as he pointed across the way.

Jungkook scoffed. "You can pick whatever movie you wanna watch for movie night!" Jimin said.

Jungkook chuckled. "Okay!" He said as he made his way over to the claw machine with Jimin and Taehyung behind him.

Jimin and Jungkook both set their bags down next to the machine before Jungkook started to play. Taehyung was taking pictures with his bags before he looked back at his friends.

"Let's take a picture together!!!" He said excitedly. Jimin smiled at him, their eyes staying on each other until Jungkook wrapped his arms around their shoulders.

Taehyung held his phone up and smiled as he took a couple pictures of them, some with just him and Jungkook.

He wanted to take some with Jimin, but the elder looks back at the claw machine as Jungkook started to play again.

Taehyung pouted a bit before he turned back to his phone and sent some pictures to Hoseok.


Hoseok sat down next to his best friend and producer Yoongi as the elder began to fix the song they had just recorded.

"I think after a couple more takes it should be good." Yoongi said. Hoseok didn't say anything. "Hoba?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok looked up at him and smiled. "Sorry, hyung. My boyfriend messaged me. Sent me a bunch of pictures." Hoseok said as he handed his phone over to Yoongi.

Yoongi blinked a couple times before he focused on the picture. It was of Taehyung. He started to swipe through them, stopping on a picture of Hoseok's boyfriend and another boy.

"Whoa... Hoba, who's this?" Yoongi asked as he showed Hoseok the photo.

Hoseok smiled. "One of Taehyungie's best friends. Why?" Hoseok asked.

"He's gorgeous... hot... damn." Yoongi said as he handed Hoseok his phone back.

Hoseok looked over at him. "Aren't you seeing someone?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi shook his head. "Not romantically... I had a sugar baby. But I ended things cause he caught feelings and I didn't." Yoongi said.

Hoseok nodded. "Want me to ask Tae about him?

Yoongi hesitated before he glanced over at Hoseok and nodded. Hoseok chuckled before he called Taehyung.


Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook were currently eating at a restaurant in the mall when Taehyung got a call.

"Ah! My man!" He said before he answered his phone. "Hi handsome." Taehyung said flirtatiously.

Hoseok chuckled. "Hi baby, what are you up to?" He asked as Yoongi started to play the song they had been working on.

"Still at the mall with my friends... is that your new song?!" Taehyung asked excitedly.

"Yeah, Yoongi-hyung is here working on it with me... he was actually wondering what your friend's situation was-" Hoseok glanced at Yoongi. "Which one again?"

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