"Dodger no!"

He jumped into the pool, splashing both Steve and Bryanna as there feet laid inside the water. Filling the bowl of mac and cheese with sprinkles of chlorine water. The two chuckled as they put both bowls down to the side, losing their appetite. "You look delicious in that bikini." Steve spoke. "Don't be surprised if my face ends up between your legs."

Laughing, she kicked a little bit of the water to him. "God I love Los Angeles." She cooed allowing the warm sunlight soak into her tan skin. "Yeah, me too." He stated. "Would you ever want to move back?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind." She responded. "When my grandma was sick I spent a couple of months here before I moved back to New York, sure I started a life out there but LA will always be home too."

He nodded understanding, both soon got up and laid on the two water loungers that sat inside the pool steps. Laying there for a while, the two soaked in the sunlight as Dodger swam back and forth in the pool.

Steve beamed up at Bryanna, seeing her body get toned as she had her Versace sunglasses covering he face. Sitting up, he worked up the courage to ask her a question that lingered his mind since the first day they met. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Dodger made his way up to the stairs where the loungers were, shaking his body, droplets of water splashed everywhere. The couple laughed at his action, finally moving away Bryanna sat up from the lounger as her feet were now touching the water. "What's up?"

Taking a deep breath, he looked at her. "Do you see a life with me?" He asked.

Bryanna smiled as she leaned over to grab Steve's hand. "Of course I see a life with you, you're the only person i'll ever want."

He was content to hear those words, knowing it was finally the right time one of these days to ask her to marry him.

As she leaned in to sway a kiss on his lips, she tricked Steve and threw him into the water. Laughing hysterically, Steve bounced back up from the water and grabbed her ankles, dragging her into the water with him.

'Never give up on your dreams. No matter how many people say it's impossible, no matter how difficult your journey is, you can create your ideal life. Whatever your heart desires can become your reality. Don't worry about what others think, because at the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most."


Flipping over the picture, she seen the photo that was taken of Bryanna and her mother at her graduation. Being a proud mom, seeing her daughter become top ten percent in her class, every time a big event happens in Bryannas life she reads that note over and over again, knowing if her mom was here that's exactly what she'd tell her now, and forever.

"You're on in five!" A producer shouted to Bryanna.

Nodding, she went to go find her team.

"Okay guys, this can change each one of your lives." She started off. "Dancing with your feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another. Make sure you guys leave it all out there tonight, remember we dance because there's not other greater feeling in the world than moving to a piece of music and letting the whole world disappear." She continued.

"Just act like we're at the studio again." She smiled. "I love you all."

With everyone exchanging it back, they did their little chant and made there way the the front of the stage. Waiting to be called out by Terry Crews.

"And now, coming all the way from New York.
An old judge you know and love. Winner of dancing with the stars and one of the most loved celebrities today, joining her today is her old dance crew, give it up for Bryanna Castellanos and Carter's dance crew!"

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