Chapter 10- Camerons Day

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It felt as if I had vertigo, my whole body felt like I was doing tumbles. My eyes nearly rolling around in my skull trying to keep up. My mouth felt dry and my throat felt as if acid had been carelessly poured down it.

Then it hit me. Work.

It's like I forgotten how I was feeling as the panic set in. As I blindly looked for my phone in this dark room. Then it hit me. These cotton sheets felt too soft and expensive to be my sheets. Had I slept with someone?

Inhaling a deep breathe, I slowly looked to beside me. It came to my relief once I saw to the best of my ability that the spot next to me was empty.

I had sat up in all my panic. My head felt heavy and I could feel my upper body sway side to side. Letting my head fall to my chest, I let my eyes flutter close.

I needed to figure out what had happened last night and where I was. If my brothers saw me right now they would be so disappointed to see me be so careless. That's if they even ever get to see me again.

To my surprise a door opened letting light pour into the now dimly lit bedroom. My eyes burned against the light. Blinking a couple of times my eyes adjusted.

My eyes made it's way up his black tracksuit bottoms that hung dangerously low on his hips. To his tanned and tonned stomach. At waist length he held a glass of water and some other item. His broad chest led right up to the dark headed man that I know as Hugo. His five a clock shadow making more of an appearance this morning.

"How are you feeling?" Hugo walked more into the room. Leaving the door wide open as he came around to the side of the bed.

"How did I end up here?" The confusion of the whole situation made my head pound harder. Did I drunk text him? I could feel my cheeks heat up. But Thank God it was dark enough in here.

"Otis called. You were in a bad state Cameron. Shit, why did you even do that to yourself?" Hugo asked as he held out the water for me to take.

"Hugo, if anything I don't have to explain my actions to you." I squeezed my eyes shut as a wave of pain came over me. "I'm shitting on myself for getting that bad." I continued.

Taking the water from Hugos grip, I slowly brought it up to my lips. He watched me wearly as I did so. The water washed away my dry mouth but it didn't get rid of the icky feeling I had in my throat.

Licking my lips, it finally came to me. "Do you know where my phone is? I need to text everyone."

"Yeah I thought you would be looking for this." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out my phone. Charged to a hundred percent. "I texted everyone to let them know you were in mine and okay." Hugo explained.

Checking over it, it was wasn't damaged. Thank God. "How did you get into my phone?" I questioned, leaning back against the headboard as I could feel a wave of dizziness hit me all over again.

"Finger print." Hugo said as he made his way over to the huge blackout blinds.

"I'm just confused. How did you find me?" I questioned again. Hugo didn't seem to bothered by my question as he continued to press some button which macanically made the black out blinds rise.

Three huge windows were revealed, along with the sun which beamed into the room. Making me feel like a vampire. The view was beyond beautiful, a view of the city.

"As I said Otis had rang me. You were in a bad way so I was the first person he thought of." Hugo explained as he turned to face me.

Raising a hand to my forehead. I tried to remember some detail of that night. I had vivid memory of Otis and then it was black from then on. "Thanks." I mumbled.

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