Chapter 2- Reunited

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I think the excitment of seeing Dylan today got me up out of bed and productive. Spending my morning getting breakfast and then going food shopping so I didn't have to eat out all the time.

It was near the end Summer, the sun was out today in Michigan. I had to even open my balcony door in hopes it would cool my apartment from the burning heat. Air conditioning just meant higher bills and right now that wasn't on my budget.

I straighted out my white t-shirt that sat under my green, short, floral dress. Applying more deodorant, so I didn't smell like sweat.

It was going on one, Dylan would be finishing up soon. Making sure I locked everything up I made my way out the apartment building.

The butterflies grew in my stomach, from excitement. As I walked down the street. Last time I had seen Dylan was Christmas. It had been a good while since.


The familiar garage came into sight after about twenty minutes. Three cars sat out front of the steel building. As I got closer the smell of grease and petrol hit my nose. One of the garage doors was open. The noise of a drill getting louder and louder as I got closer.

Crouched down at a tire of a car was Dylan. I stood, watching him as he finished off the car wheels. Sweat dripped down his forehead and onto his white t-shirt. His hands black from grease. His muscles flexing as he drilled. Not to mention those work pants.

He stopped drilling. He placed down the drill. His attention still on the tire infront of him.

"I thought you would of noticed your favourite person in the world standing in your presences." I spoke up. His attention immediately turned to me. I watched as a big smile grew on his face. He stood up making his way over to hug me. I held out my arms to stop him from coming any closer.

"Nope your sweaty and I only changed. So no hugs." Dylan rolled his eyes. Pulling me into a bone crushing hug anyways. My hands trapped by my side as my head was pressed up against his sweaty chest.

"I missed you so much." Dylan swayed us side to side.

"Dylan let go! You smell!" I tried to wiggle out of his grip but no avail.

I was able to pull one of my arms out of Dylans grip. Looking up and patting his jaw. His grey eyes looked down at me playfully.

"Let me go you smell like sweat." I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he just held on tighter.

"No can do. You have been gone for too long." He held onto me tighter.

"Dylan any tighter and I won't be able to breathe." I tried to push myself away placing my hands on his chest. He finally let go.

My nose scrunched up in disgust as I straighted my dress out.

"You enjoyed that hug as much as I did." Dylan smirked. He grabbed a cloth wipping down his hands. He could of done that before hugging me.

"In your dreams." I rolled my eyes.

"You already were." He winked. Walking away from me. I followed behind as he moved to go to the office.

"So when are we going to lunch?" I asked. Changing the subject.

"I'll just get changed and then we can head out." Dylan said.

I nodded as I watched him disappear into a back room.


Dylan had drove us down to a small corner cafe. The interior of the little cafe was very rustic. We had sat down at a small booth as waited for our food.

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