Chapter 8- My Type

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Last night I had shared every detail of the date to Ava. She decided to stay over squishing herself in beside me on the bed. Ava was full of giggles encouraging me to go for it.

I had slept last night with a warm heart and a stomach full of butterflies.

Today when I woke up I felt a different type of butterflies. It was my first shift in the cafe and the thought of me messing up, played on my mind.

On the way to work my brothers all individually rang me. Giving me words of encouragement which helped with some of my nerves. But not all of them.

Not only was my nerves bothering me, but my black jeans that I couldn't seem to get all the dust off them. I really need to invest in a dust roller. The sweltering heat didn't help my mood either as the sun reflected off my black attire. I felt like my body was my own personal sauna.

Leia was the first to greet me on my shift, showing me around and the reins.

I only messed up two coffees and had one spillage. Other then that Leia had called me a natural which I very gladly thanked her.

Turns out Leia was a very good person to work with. She said she is currently an inspiring mixologist but when I asked her why she was working in a cafe and not a bar. She told me at night she does. But the cafe job is a cover up so her parents are some what proud of her. Especially coming from a strict Asian family.

Iris had also made an appearance half way through the day when it became busy. Turns out she had been tucked away in the office signing off some finance papers. Unable to greet me this morning.

Wiping down the counter with a damp cloth. It had been a long day, more tiring then I thought. Once the last costumer had came in. Leia was quick to turn the sign on the door to closed.

"Oh what a day." Leia huffed out. Her hands resting on her hips.

"Yeah I never expected it to get this busy." I said as I put the dirty rag by the sink.

"Lunch hour is the worst but you get by. So how do you find your first day?" Leia questioned. She made her way over to the counter, leaning her elbows on the counter.

I shrugged. "Tiring but I'll get by. Now I'm guessing it's just clean up?" Looking around it didn't seem like we had much to do. We cleaned any dirty dishes when given. The counter was seemed clean.

"Yep." Leia looked around. "Now that there is three of us it won't take as long as it usually does."

"What needs to be done?" I questioned.

"Well the bins need to be emptied, the floor needs to be mopped and then the machines needs to be cleaned. Oh also if anything needs to be stocked up we do it." Leia pushed herself back up straight.

"Well then we better get started if we want to get the last bit of sunshine in." I said.

"Agreed." Leia nodded her head. "You mop the floor and I'll clean the machines." Leia said.

Nodding my head, I started to make my way into the back. Where Leia had showed me where to find everything and what to do.

Once the bucket was filled, I rolled it out to the main area. Dipping the brush into the soapy water, pulling it out, squeezing the access water out. Then mopping the floor. Same steps until I got to the last spot near the back of the seating area.

My back was turned away from the door. The chiming of the little bell rang as someone had entered the cafe.

"Sorry we are closed." I said, continuing to mop the floor.

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