Chapter 9- Black Out

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Rolling my eyes at Evan. I pushed myself off the door making my way back into the sitting room. Dylan sat with his feet up on the coffee table as he flicked through the different channels on the TV.

Pushing his feet off the table, I took the spot beside him. Feeling my muscles relax as I sank to the chair. "What a day." I sighed out. Letting my eyes close.

I could feel eyes burn into me. Opening one eye, Evan stood infront of us. His arms arms crossed over his chest. While Dylan burnt holes into the side of my head. "You look like your Dad standing like that." I mentioned. Letting out a small laugh.

Opening my eyes fully I caught Evan rolling his eyes. Before he moved to sit down beside me.

My phone buzzed, all of our eyes drew towards the lit up screen on the coffee table.

"It's him. I know it." Dylan stated.

"How can you even see the name from here?" I asked. Casting a questioning glance towards him.

"Yes. I can...well I can see the letter o and I just know it is him." Dylan shrugged.

Before I can say anything more there was another knock at the door.

"Food!" Evan got back up and made his way over to the door. Returning with boxes of pizza. Setting them down on the table infront of us. Dylan was the first to quickly grab a slice.

"You know we haven't done this before." I said as I grabbed a slice of pizza.

"We have had loads of pizza before." Dylan looked at me confused.

"Yeah but this. Before I had left for Flordia we had other people around like my brothers or your little brother. Now we have our own space." I stated. Looking down at my now half eaten pizza slice.

"Well we have gotten older since then." Evan stated the obvious.

"This scares me, getting older. It feels like only yesterday I was getting ready for my first day at high school."

"And Evan fell down the stairs because he decided to bring all of his books." Dylan laughed. Only to realise Evans deadly glare. Dylan awkwardly cleared his throat.

I bit the inside of my cheek. But I couldn't help the growing smile on my lips. Dylan caught a glance of it, gaining his own smile.

"You do realise I can see your two smiles. I'm not blind." Evan shook his head reaching for another slice of pizza.

One more glance and it was over for the both of us as we both started to burst into laughter. At this stage I didn't even know why we were laughing so hard.

My ribcage start to hurt and my stomach started to tense. Deep breathes Cam. Deep breathes Cam.

"You two are weird. Definitely made for eachother." Evan said. Ignoring us as he ate.


The twins had stayed for a few hours after the pizza. We talked about our memories and things we had missed out on over the past year.

I found myself tucked under my bed covers after the twins left. The only messages coming through was the groupchat. They were planning another night out.

The caller id darkening my screen a the ring tone filled my quiet room.

"Hello? Cameron?"

"It's a bit late for a call don't you think?" I questioned into the phone. Only to hear his deep chuckle come from the other side.

"Just making sure your alive and alone." Hugo spoke.

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