48. The Speedforce.

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"So you think your psychosis made a friend of yours disappear?" Sharon Finkle asked in her office.

"Yeah, I mean, she's a really good friend of mine." Caitlin sat next to Anna. "Almost like a part of me."

"So your friend, is... she with us here right now?"

"Oh, no, I'm not schizophrenic, um... she's more like another personality."

"Dissociative identity disorder. That is usually caused by trauma, and from your history you've had quite a bit." Sharon wrote something down.

"Yeah, I did see my fiancé die. Twice. And then my next boyfriend turned evil." Caitlin noted.

"I actually meant childhood trauma. Tell me about your father."

"My dad? He was the best." Caitlin smiled. "Loving, supportive, always pushed me to get smarter."

"And how did you feel when he passed?"

Caitlin froze for a second. "I... He had ALS, he... was always hiding his symptoms from us. He never wanted us to see him suffer."

"Sometimes when we're young we repress things that scare us."

"Oh, I'm not repressing anything from my childhood. My missing friend just appeared a couple years ago." Caitlin and Anna's phones buzzed. "It's my adult life that's got me like this. I'm so sorry. I have to go."

"Do you charge by the hour?" Caitlin questioned. Anna rolled her eyes, already opening her wallet.

"For you and your friends, the quarter-hour."

"I got a tip about Fallout, but it's been scrambled by Kilgore's code." Iris explained.

"Hmm, not anymore. Consider it unscrambled."

"Devoe. Where's A.R.G.U.S. keeping Borman? Do we know?" Barry questioned.

"I-I can't ping Lyla, but I can try Dig." Iris suggested.

"I'll just go get him." Barry sped off.


"Trash can."

"Ooh, how about the recycling?"

"Nope. I got it, I got it." Cisco noted the trash had holes in it.

"Really?" Anna handed him another one.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Sorry, man." Barry sped in with Dig, who vomited. "I'm sorry. Can we just... I'm sorry. I hate you."

"What is this about?" Dig grumbled.

"Neil Borman, the man we left with you, with A.R.G.U.S. Where you keeping him?" Barry asked.

"Barry, that's classified information. I'm not the director of A.R.G.U.S. I..." Dig muttered.

"Dig, we don't have time. Please."

"He's at a place called the Castle. It's a thousand miles away from anything." Dig said.

"Please. Can you check it?" Barry asked. Dig moved to the computer, clicking buttons.

"Okay, looks like everything's fine in A.R.G.U.S. except for me." Dig said. "Um... Says I checked in six hours ago."

"DeVoe can shapeshift. With Melting Point's powers, he can trick a DNA scanner and take over the building."

"Diggle. Diggle, Diggle." Cisco moved to the computer.

"10,000 rads and climbing. Borman's body's gone critical already. We can't save him." Caitlin explained.

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