Chapter Twenty Four

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Contrary to popular belief..
I didn't die 😀☝️
So suck on that 👅

"Damn, we did that!!" Hizashi cheers, climbing down from his position of sitting on our hands and landing on the floor, "We're so awesome!"

"We did okay." Shota shrugs, adjusting his scarf to sit more snugly around his neck and burying the lower half of his face into it.

"Hey Nemuri is obviously the VIP of that round, you rocked!" I grinned, wrapping an arm around my best friends shoulder and smiling widely.

"Gahhh~! All I did was put everyone to sleep, not a big deal!!" She whined, obviously embarrassed about being praised and the centre of attention.

"Is too a big deal, we wouldn't have won without you!" Hizashi joins me in cheering our teammate on, wrapping his arm around her as well.

"Don't make me use my quirk on you as well!" Nemuri threatens, causing us both to raise our hands in defence with wide smiles on our faces.

"So what are they gonna do now? And how long does your quirk last for Muri?" Shota asks, gesturing towards the field of past our competitors.

"Oh! They should be waking up in the next ten minutes or so actually, otherwise I wouldn't have used my quirk. I can sorta use it to where I can set times for when someone will wake up, but sometimes it just does it's own thing." She shrugged.

"You've improved a lot Nem, we all have!" I raise a fist in the air, proud of all my friends and classmates.

"Good thing it's time for our one hour lunch break! We'll meet back here after everyone has revived themselves, feel free to purchase food from the many stalls around the arena!" And the announcers mic turns off with a crackle.

"Sweet~ lunch anyone? I'll be so kind as to pay for you all on account of our recent victory." I smile sweetly at my three friends, who all smile excitedly at the prospect of free food.

"Oh hellllll yesssss! Let's go!!" Hizashi shouts and sprints off, the rest of us following quickly behind him.



"This tastes so goooood~" I hum, eating another piece of dango from the skewer.

"No no this is much better!" Hizashi exclaimed, pointing his Takoyaki stick at me, offended with my choice of snack food.

"Your both insane." Shota rolled his eyes, quietly eating his rice.

"Your so boring Shota, like rice? Seriously? Try thisssss!!" I hold my last piece of dango in front of him for him to try.

"No thanks-" He tries to refuse but I stuff the mochi like ball into his mouth anyways while he's talking.

"Mph-" He glares at me, chewing the snack regardless and swallowing.

"Pffft, you guys are so cute~" Nemuri snickers from my side, popping a strawberry into her mouth.

Hizashi huffs and grabs my arm, pulling me into his lap with a grin, "What? Y/n and Shota? No wayyyy! Me and Y/n would make a much cuter couple! Wouldn't you agree Y/n?"

I pretend to think for a moment before teleporting out of his lap and behind Nemuri, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"I dunno Zashi, I might just have eyes for hot purple haired women~"

"She called me Zashi! Yes!" Hizashi cheers, dancing a little bit from his sitting position on the grass.

Nemuri and I burst out laughing while Shota ignores us all, eating another mouthful of his rice.

"Shota Shota- Sho!" I roll towards the ravenette, lying down in front of him, "Can I have some rice pleaseeee?"

"No." He says monotonously.

"Awh come on! I gave you some of my food!" I attempt to persuade him.

"I think there's a difference between giving, and forcefully feeding." He hums, holding some rice above my mouth anyways.

I grin and open my mouth, eating the rice off the chopsticks and swallowing.

"Thank you my heroooo~" I wink up at him, causing him to bury his face into his scarf with a huff.

"Shut up.."

"All remaining contestants please return to their designated areas, the last phase of the festival is about to begin." The announcers voice rings from the speakers, causing me to sigh and stand up, brushing my clothes off.

"Well, time to go kick all your asses." I stick my hands on my hips, watching as my friends glare at me.

"In your dreams Y/n!!"

"We'll see."

"Sounds like your a bit too confident!"

"Let's go!" I roll my eyes, taking off back towards the stadium with my friends trailing behind me.


"Okayyyy, so I'm first up against some kid called, Katashi?" I question, looking at the match pairings on the screen.

"Hm? Isn't that, that kid from general studies?" Hizashi questions, staring at the scoreboard in curiosity.

"Yeah, it's that kid over there." Nemuri points out someone to our right.

I look over and see she's pointing at some boy. He has white hair and bright blue eyes. He's about the same height as Enji, but he definitely looks a lot calmer. He doesn't look to have anything special about him, but he must be good if he made it to the one on one matches. He mustn't have a mutation quirk though, which will make it harder for me since I have no way of knowing what it is.

"Seems like a challenge!" I smile, crossing my arms and a confident look settles on my face.

"Just don't underestimate him, you don't know what he's capable of." Shota mentions and I nod at him.

I then head off to the waiting room for my class while my friends head to the stands to watch the match.

This was short ;-;
I'm sorry ;-;
But I updated ;-;
Bye now ;-;

((DISCONTINUED)) Toshinori x Reader x Aizawa x Enji x Hizashi حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن