Chapter Seven

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Pfffft, so I was practicing my cosplay makeup for when my Aizawa wig arrives, and it turned out like THIS! I personally like it, AND I CANT FRICKEN WAIT FOR MY WIG TO GET HERE! Oh snap- did I just do a face reveal?? I guess I did sorta, COOL!

Whaaaaaat? She's updating??? NO WAY!!!
Thats right, I'm back bitches! (I'm the only bitch here so don't worry UwU)
How is everyone? I hope your doing great!

Aight story time~

I was sprawled out on my bed while Enji was leaning against it on the floor. I had my notebook in front of me, and I was chewing on the end of my pencil. What does it take to be a hero? I thought, my tail was waving in the air behind me, flicking back and forth as I pondered. I could see that Enji was either having the same problem as me, or just couldn't be bothered writing down notes. I poked his shoulder and he looked up at me from his position on the floor,


"Do you have any ideas on what it takes to be a hero?" I asked.

Enji shrugged, "Being the most powerful and saving people and shit."

I shook my head at him, "Okay no, it's definitely not about being the most powerful Enji."

Enji rolled his eyes, "Okay then, what do you think it means?"

"Well, the saving part is right, but other than that I'm not completely sure. I can't think straight.." I furrowed my eyebrows together.

Enji opened his mouth to say something, but my door swung open and my mom walked in,

"Hey kids, I thought you might want a snack or something!" She smiled at us.

She brought over a plate of apple slices and two cups of orange juice. She set them down on my bedside table, then turned back to us and grinned,

"So, how's the study date going?"

My tail shot up in the air, and Enji started coughing into his arm. My mom doubled over laughing and I glared at her,

"Moooom! It's not a study date! We're just studying!" My ears twitched in annoyance.

Her smile didn't falter, "Yeah, your studying, with a boy, in your bedroom, by yourselves."

I glared at her and bared my teeth, my tail flicking dangerously. My mom put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at me,

"Y/n, you may have fangs, but don't bare them at me. I'm still your mother, so even if I tease you, you don't get to threaten me."

I sighed, and flopped down onto my bed. My mom just smiled and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

I glanced at Enji and smiled at him apologetically, "Sorry about her.."

Enji huffed, he had a dust of pink across his cheeks. I giggled at him,

"Oh my GAWD, are you blushing??"

He blushed harder and covered his face, "Shut up! No I'm not!"

I started laughing, "You are!! I saw it, your face is so red right now!"

((DISCONTINUED)) Toshinori x Reader x Aizawa x Enji x Hizashi Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat