Chapter Thirteen

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Guys what the heck-
Y'all are too much I'll tell you that.
And I love you all!!'

Also most of y'all voted for a time skip so yeah, time skip it is!

It's been two years since I came to New York. Next year I start my last year in the hero course before I become a full fledged pro!

Kenjai and Kimiko finally started dating, it took them a while since Kenjai was all shy about it. But they got there in the end and I couldn't be happier for them. Kinda wish I had someone as well.. Oh well maybe some day!

"Oi Y/n hurry upppp!" Both Kenjai and Kimiko whined at me.

"Just gimme a fuckin second!" I huffed, stuffing my books back into my bag.

"I can't believe it's finally the summer holidays." Kimiko sighed, leaning on Kenjai's shoulder.

Kenjai grinned, "Yeah, then we start our last year of school before we become heroes!"

I smiled to myself, these guys were such doofs. But they're my doofs-

Someone knocked on the classroom door, "Hurry it up would ya Y/n?"

I smiled at my adopted older brother, "Yeah just wait a sec Namari!"

My mom had adopted Namari about a year ago, it was a foster thing at first, but then it became permanent. So now he's my brother and I love him so much. He's a year older than me which means he just graduated today. His quirk is Animal, basically he can just turn into any type of animal he wants. Kinda boring but yeah.

"Right I'm done!" I say, finally closing my bag and swinging it over my shoulders.

"Then let's gooooo!" Kimiko yelled and ran out the door.

We were all going to town just to hang out and stuff, then go eat at this restaurant that Kenjai found, and had said was pretty good. Kenjai and Kimiko were making a big deal out of it because it's the last time we were gonna be able to hang out, unless they come visit, or vis-versa.

Becauseee, mom's work had told her that she had done all she needed to do in New York. So we're moving back to Japan! I was probably a little too excited about it. I was really gonna miss Kenjai and Kimiko, but I haven't seen Nemuri and the guys in two years!! Principal Nezu even said I could get back into UA and be in the same class as them. I haven't told any of them, mostly because I wanna see the looks on there faces when I get back. I should bring a camera with me to capture that moment...

I walked out of the classroom and jumped on Namari's back, he stumbled a bit but carried on walking, grabbing my legs so I wouldn't fall. Kimiko and Kenjai were holding hands and chatting, so I laid my head down on the back of Namari's neck and fell asleep for a bit.

No ones pov:

Namari felt Y/n relax on his back and laughed a little, figuring she had fallen asleep. Kimiko looked over and laughed, taking out her phone and snapping a few pictures, while Kenjai just looked on in amusement.

They walked along the main road, I few people looking questioningly at the sleeping Y/n, before eventually ending up at the mall. Namari stopped walking and slid Y/n off his back, who landed on her butt on the floor and jolted awake.

"Owww! The hell was that for Nama?" Y/n whined.

Namari grinned down at her, "I was just waking you up since we're here."

((DISCONTINUED)) Toshinori x Reader x Aizawa x Enji x Hizashi Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora