Chapter Fifteen

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Yo anyone need a hug?
I'm handing out hugs-

Also, vigilante manga spoilers in this.

The lunch bell finally rings and everyone starts packing up, pushing their chairs in and shoving all their textbooks into their bags. I put all my stuff into my bag and sling it over my shoulder, stretching a little and letting out a small yawn.

"Jet lag? Or are you just tired?" Hizashi grins at me.

I groan, "Little bit of both, Namari woke me up by screaming this morning.."

He raises a brow, "Namari? Who's that?"

I smile softly, "My older brother, mom adopted him about a year ago."

"He nice and stuff?" Hizashi questions.

I nod, "Yeah he's great, I love him he's a really good person."

I feel arms wrap around me from behind and a warm body embraces me.

"Hizashi you shouldn't pester her with questions." Shota's monotone voice says from behind me, his chin resting on top of my head.

'When did this guy get so clingy?' I wonder.

"Well you don't have to be all over her." Hizashi retorts, raising a brow at Shota's behaviour.

Shota glares at him, "You know exactly why I'm like this, I don't want to lose another good friend.."

'What does he mean by that?' I think to myself.

I glance up a little, Shota has a grim expression on his face and I can feel his grip tightening around me. I'm getting a little worried, he doesn't seem like he used to be, he seems a little more.. Unstable?

"Sho are you okay?" I ask him.

He lets out a breath and relaxes his hold on me, "Yeah I'm okay, we should probably head to lunch huh?"

I nod and he takes a step back, I give Hizashi a small smile and walk in the direction of the door. Toshinori is walking in front of me and I grin a little, running up and jumping on his back. He yelps and stumbles a little, regaining his balance and grabbing my legs so I don't fall.

He looks back at me, "What the hell Y/n?"

I grin at him, "I did this for two reasons, one, I didn't want to walk. Two, I wanted to feel tall."

He huffs and smiles a little, continuing to walk down the halls and outside into the midday sunlight. The rest of our friends are following behind us as we make our way over to the tree we used to always hang out under. I slip off of Toshinori's back and teleport myself over to the tree, sitting down and leaning against the base of it

Suddenly Toshinori is right beside me and I jump as a gust of wind blows my hair back.

I look at him warily, "How the hell?"

He laughs loudly, "My quirk, you may find out about it at some point."

I stare at him for a second before shrugging and taking my lunch out of my bag, opening it and starting to eat. Our other friends arrive and collapse onto the grass and chill, Shota immediately moving next to me and leaning his head on top of mine.

I stop eating for a second, "Why ya being so clingy Sho?" I question.

He sucks in a breath, "It's sorta a sore subject.." He mumbles.

"I can tell you, since it's to do with me as well." Hizashi says, looking to Shota for confirmation before he starts talking. Shota nods and I look at Hizashi, waiting for him to start explaining.

((DISCONTINUED)) Toshinori x Reader x Aizawa x Enji x Hizashi Where stories live. Discover now