Ryan finally sat down with an exasperated sigh, facing Rose, with his hands still in his hair.

"Have you ever mentioned of my interest in you to anyone?" Ryan asked with honest eyes. His face was apprehensive as if asking about the punishment for his crime.

Rose again nodded a no with a heart sad for a friend who'd never done any wrong.

What has he done to be dragged into this?!

I have never seen him this dejected.

No one deserves it!!

Ryan doesn't!!

Matt doesn't!!

Roger doesn't!!

Dad doesn't!!

Only I deserve this mess!!

I caused it!!

I created it!!

I am the reason behind this!!

Rose looked down to the ground with guilt-ridden eyes which were tearing up. She didn't want Ryan to see her cry and misconstrue anything.

She really wanted to come clean about everything to everyone so that this thorn ripping her within would be gone and for once since the past 12 years she'd be able to breathe freely.

Secrets can truly be poisonous, for the one keeping it as well as for the one from whom the knowledge is denied.

Mum always said keep your soul free of the bonds secrets create.

Rose really wished to go back in time and right this wrong her first love had created.

Was it really love though?!

When it creates monsters out of the people involved?!

When said people burn everything real actually and metaphorically?!

Rose absently nodded no to herself looking up at the ceiling trying to stop the tears threatening to break free.

Ryan was absently staring at a spot on the ground and Rose was lost in thoughts the moment she felt a knife on her throat which snapped her attention back to the present.

"Hello Ryan!!" Pete's throaty voice spread across the room like a fog.

Ryan looked up from the ground at Rose as if he couldn't believe a third person could materialise in his office. His eyes grew wide with concern, fear and anger all at the same time.

"Hi babe!!" Pete breathed next to Rose's neck pulling her up in front of him from the chair holding her left shoulder. Rose complied.

Rose couldn't pinpoint if it was recognition or realisation that it is a life-and-death situation that had seeped into Ryan's eyes when he stared at Pete.

Pete didn't say anything during the stare-down that happened between Ryan and him for almost a minute.

"Are you trying to guilt Rose?"

"Is anyone besides you at fault?" There was a strange conviction in Pete's voice.

It wasn't clear if rage or cat caught Ryan's tongue but he sure was seething with anger which was clear from the white knuckles of his fist.

"Would you do us the honors by coming clean?" Pete kept on goading.


It was the only word Ryan spoke.

"Remember me, Ryan?! Or do you only remember your voters?!"
Pete's smile and mockery was audible through the sentence.

"Karma surely is something!! Someone steals something from someone only to have to hand it back!!"

If Ryan could fist his fingers any harder, he would've cause now his knuckles were all pink due to the force.

"Am I right, Ryan?!"

"You always believed in Karma, right, babe?" Pete's voice was wistful and nostalgic.

Rose found it difficult to gulp down his words unsure who they were meant for.

Matt and Arthur opened the door and stepped into Ryan's office that very minute.

"And here's the cavalry!!" Pete chuckled as if it didn't make him any difference.

A/N: Big revelations!! Which direction do you think the story is going?!

Take care. Stay safe.

Don't forget to vote!!

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