Chapter- XXVI

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Dinner was not what you expect after such a warm, happy welcome.

Matt's dad, the economist, had come down a few seconds before dinner was served on the 8-seater rosewood dinner table and it was like the darkest of clouds had followed him.

Do you recall seeing the charismatic professor of your college who'd published something earth-shattering ages ago and is now an empty shadow of what he used to be?!

Still treats himself like he's someone very consequential and everyone around keeps up the charade?!

That's how Matt's dad, Edward can be described.

5'11", lean, sharp nose, clean, simple spectacles and a bit of an academic slouch maybe from those years of poring over books and thesis papers. His eyes though had this vague emptiness like they see everything but are confounded of how it came to be.

Susanna was the only one who seemed unaffected by this like how moms are unfazed by anything you throw at them, right, like they have this brave shield hiding all personal fears lest their child should get spooked too but the so-called child was painfully aware of the situation.

Gone was all the charm and romance from the date or the flair that was part of his office decorum, Matt metamorphosed into a 13yr old boy who's had his nose rubbed into the realities of life till they bleed.

The vacant expression from Edward's eyes seem to have crept into Matt's taking a different form like one who sees everything but doesn't know what to do of it.

The helplessness and pent-up anger of a teen were heart-wrenching.

It told a story which didn't need words because it played out in front of you if you paid enough attention.

"We have a guest joining us for dinner. How lovely, Susanna, you must be pleased with this!!"

The words, however, didn't reach his eyes.

He looked at me as if I'd come out of the woodworks.

"Boy, when did Matt grow old enough to bring his girlfriends home?! Huh?!" Edward said playfully trying to pat Matt's hand which he withdrew.

The painful attempt at painting the picture of a happy family was even more unsettling only because it was so unexpected.

No one could have guessed this looking at Matt personally or from their old family pics that came up on the web if you really looked for it.

Not that I was looking for them.

Well, when no one steps up, you should.

Rose decided to show-up her very personal side that was reserved for family and best friends or random kids or elders she came across.

Frankly, it could go sideways and ruin the evening but let's be honest that was not possible.

"Edward, are you trying to save your son's image? Everyone on this table knows he's an infamous playboy!!"

There was pin-drop silence for almost thirty seconds and one could hear a plate fall in the kitchen. Everyone on the table and the serving staff were looking at Rose as if she were an alien.

But a second later Edward gave such a big, open laugh which stunned everyone. Susanna and Matt both looked at him as if he was doing something he'd never done in a long time. Their faces split into heartfelt grins and the clouds seemed to lighten.

"No one, I mean, none of the arm-candies he's photographed hanging out with would have had the gall to say this in front of us including him." Edward said with a broad smile.

"Like am scared of him, pfft!!" Rose flinged some more.

"No you truly are not." Matt said gazing onto her face with a broad, thankful smile. Rose only blinked in response.

Susanna looked on at them both with that grateful gaze that mothers have.

Omg, wth?! Did I just save Moneybags from an awkward family dinner.

Kind of.

It was rough and brutal and even acquaintances would not let people they knew get run over by such road-roller situations in life, right?!

Mmhmm, you tell yourself that, young lady!! But you just threw your hat in the am-an-eligible-bride-ring.

Oh come on, there's no such ring!!

My friends would've told me of it.

"So Rose, Matt tells me that you'll be staying with us for sometime? And you guys are working together on some building of historic importance.

Mind telling us, cause he for some reason is keeping it close to his heart?!

Edward and I met here in Boston you know so I think I might know the place."

"You did?!" Rose could not believe the big smile she gave to Susanna.

Oh, what wouldn't she give for inputs from someone who's been at Regalia at it's peak days!!

"No Mom!! We mind sharing until everything is through. Right, Rose?" Matt said placing his hand on Rose's and looking straight into her eyes with absolute confidence that she wouldn't let out a squeak about it to anyone.

"Ok if you say so." Rose agreed reluctantly removing her hand from under Matt's.

"Good girl!!"

Rose was mentally throwing daggers at Matt for the good girl comment and the fact that she couldn't mine this Regalia info-trove.

But this is his home so, obviously his rules and she is an outsider who'll become a stranger again once Regalia completes.

Would she?! Wouldn't she?!

I mean, come on, the guy keeps petty secrets from his angelic mother?!

Could she trust his words?!

A/N: Would you guys trust his words?

Stay safe, healthy and take care.

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