Chapter VII

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Author's Note: When I started writing this book it was just one rough chapter in my diary that just two people had read so far.

Wattpad wasn't there then so it was lying away as a dirty secret.

Then a very dear person alok9shm mentioned about Wattpad and I was lost in it's jewels for a year and then I was pestered mercilessly to put this chapter up.

I had no idea if even 2 more would want to read it.

But with 317 reads in total, it is dream-like.

I literally know the two people who've voted so far which can be, I don't know...

Vote, comment and share. <3

Moving like a wraith he dialed a call, connecting with Robert, his Security Head he said, " Have the tail follow her closely!! She seemed really stunned as if she'd seen a ghost when she left me. I don't want her falling into any trouble before we are done with her."

Robert knew better than to ask his boss what his plans were for Miss Rose.

Whenever Matt walked like the soul-sucking silent monster, his staff even in the branch offices knew better than to fall in his path especially in unfavorable circumstances.

They knew they shouldn't do something which will add them to the list of horrifying stories which floated around their boss.

No doubt much of the staff didn't last long despite the better than industry standards pay.

Entering his office a few seconds later, he summoned his secretary asking her to find Pete, the new office intern.

She almost rushed out as soon as he'd finished talking and gave a curt nod explaining that was all for now.

He called up Robert again.

This time the conversation wasn't so pleasant for Robert.

In his terse voice, Matt asked him to look again in the background of an office intern, Pete, for he now felt sure Pete had faked his story and his compared to the best in the world security team had missed it.

A few minutes later his secretary with too scared to look expression told that they were unable to locate Pete at the office premises and his number was coming switched off.

She with a faint hope mentioned the office security was alerted and they were sending someone presently at Pete's place to locate him.

This wasn't a day for Robert for he received a third call from Matt in a span of 15 minutes.

This time Matt spoke like the previous two calls hadn't even taken place," Pete's absconding from the office. Locate him."

Robert had news for Matt in this call.

He said Rose was home covering the distance from Matt's office to her dad's place in half the time it's supposed to take, her driving resembled what Matt conveyed, that she was spooked and agitated to say the least.

She visibly calmed once she entered the Hyde Park area and was absolutely normal once she reached her dad's place.

She spoke genially with her neighbor and some time later she was found carrying the Regalia plans in. There have been no further movements to speak of and the tail was staying put near her place.

Matt loudly let out his breath which he didn't know he was unconsciously holding in.

When Rose collided in to him it was like a real rose had landed in his palms.

He could recognize n number of female perfumes his arm candies used, but for the love of God, he couldn't recognize what it was that made her smell so much like home.

He felt like honing in on that smell, cherishing and protecting it forever. Before he could think straight his arms were around her holding her close.

The warmth emanating from her body was pure bliss. Like she was responding to his touch as much as he was.

He wanted to rip the cyclist apart who'd come so close to hurting her.

Now where was this violence coming from?

He had his daily one-hour boxing session with Marcus, his trainer, today. Matt practiced a different workout alternating every few weeks to let off steam.

But when the incident happened it felt like he was stark raging mad and he could kill someone for it.

His anger turned to pure lust the moment he looked into her eyes so up close and personal.

Big orbs of hazel looking up at him threatening to pull him into them and he wanted to be sucked right into her with the same desperation as yesterday.

His mask slipped momentarily when her lips slightly parted.

It took all will-power and some unknown concern for her that he steeled himself and asked if she was alright examining her, she was so delicate to touch.

Her skin all creamy he didn't want to let her go when she was so close. It was like he was feeding off the proximity. Holding her soft hands, he remembered they felt like they belonged to someone who cooks occasionally.

That was a huge turn-on...

Get a grip, man! You've seen better from way up close and personal...

But they weren't better where they...Whoa!! Where did that come from?!

What mind-fuck voodoo is she?!

Matt kept asking her if she was okay like he was some love-sick puppy worried for her betrothed.

And then she turned and that genial expression of assurance vanished from her eyes when she looked at something over his shoulder.

Her eyes glazed over and lost all expressions as if they were dead.

Something visceral clutched his heart when that happened...

As if he had lost something really important, he wanted to fix this asap like he did with everything in his life so far.

He turned instantly to follow her line of vision to notice Pete peeping at them from the offices.

His blood boiled over like hot lava.

He didn't need rhyme or reason.

Is Pete an ex?

Is Pete a cause of concern for her?

Why is she so scared of him?

The moment he turned back to Rose she was gone from his arms and mumbling responses that she'll get back to him once she'd consulted her dad and in an instant she was in her car and driving away.

He felt empty...

He didn't like it...

He felt like doing everything in his power to bring that homely feeling back in his arms.

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