Chapter - XXI

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Writing this chapter was difficult considering it would define the dynamics of Matt and Rose's future. I know it's incredibly late but I didn't want to wrong it in my haste to put something out.

Mrs. Washington and Mr. Kurt were out near the gate to the orchard to see Rose off. She walked up to them embracing each in a hug where it seemed she was thanking them for being there for her. The smiles she got in return reciprocated what she felt.

Matt and Robert by this time had moved and stood by Rose's car. Sonya had a granite-like look on her face when she reached the car followed by Rose.

"Matt, I really don't need you to abandon your work and be my security guard. I already have a team in place," Rose said trying hard visibly to be polite.

Opening the passenger door of Rose's car, Matt took out the bouquet thrusting it between them spoke with steel - like edge to his voice, "This tells me otherwise, Rose."

The anger with which he shook the bouquet compelling petals to fall off made Rose take a step back in fear. She could see his wrath so close to the surface and him trying to restrain it in her presence.

"This could've been anything. It managed to get so close to you. And you call this your security?!", thrusting and pointing the bouquet towards Sonya who now looked at him with barely hidden hatred.

Grabbing the bouquet from Matt's hand, Rose spoke with surprising calm, "How could your presence have prevented this from happening?"

Matt was stunned when Rose took the bouquet from his hand.

"I certainly wouldn't have been traipsing you around town without any security detail when there's a sadist stalking you," Matt seethed grabbing the bouquet off Rose's hands compelling more petals to fall off around them.

Pursing her lips into a thin line she took the bouquet back into her hands cradling it as if it were from a beloved which made Matt see red.

"I love pink roses. Besides it's not their fault a sadist picked them up," Rose spoke with such finality looking away from Matt that made him think if she meant something else.

Rose holding the bouquet close to her heart sat behind Sonya who took the wheels. Robert slid next to Sonya and Matt sat beside Rose keeping quite some space between them.

They both needed to cool off and they both knew it.

Matt's car and Rose's additional security called by Sonya followed and preceded their car to avoid any similar bouquet incident.

No one spoke till they reached dad's place.

Rose was shocked at the sight which awaited them. A flower delivery truck was waiting for them. Delivery guy walking up to her, asked if she was Miss Rose. She nodded with a guarded expression.

As soon as she signed for the delivery another guy from the truck started bringing out vases of the most vivid pink roses she'd ever set her eyes on.

The sight made her gulp in fear.

Matt stood behind her with hands in his pocket looking at the whole spectacle without an emotion on his face.

She looked at him almost expecting him to start throwing the vases on the ground and stomping on them. Since he stood as a mute spectator, she stopped the guy bringing in the 7th vase asking him who'd ordered for these.

Fishing out his handheld device he read a Mr. Flinthart did.

Rose's eyes flew to Matt who stood still as a statue awaiting her response.
When she walked up to him, he spoke with the barest of voices, "Am sorry for treating the roses like I did. It sure wasn't their fault someone unworthy picked them."

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