Chapter - XXXIII

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12 and half years ago.

Alarm from my new Nokia phone kept ringing. If I hadn't bought the latest model with my hard-accumulated pocket money, I'd have chucked the cause of disturbance out the window of my room.

The alarm was soon followed by Mum gliding into the room cause I couldn't hear any steps alerting me of her presence.

"Rose Amelia Tyler!! Do you enjoy racing against time every morning when you get ready for school?!" Mum asked in mock-anger.

"You're a senior and with your grades a solid contender for the Valedictorian of the year!! Do you want to risk losing the opportunity with your laziness?!" Mum spoke with some seriousness.

Yawning widely but looking at her with half-open eyes I begged, "Five more minutes!!"

"Not even two!! Unless you wanna miss blueberry pancakes for breakfast?!"

My stomach rumbled in mutiny. Pouting, I sleep-walked to the bathroom trying to save every minute.

I was late waking up cause I was up late gazing at dry-pressed pink roses, the ones I preserved that were left in my school locker every Friday for the past three months. Those single-stem pink delights were always alone, no letter or memento accompanied them. Whoever was putting them there knew I loved pink roses the most.

Sarah and Hannah would bet with each other if I could without any help manage to find and get "my secret lover" as they called him to ask me for Prom which was still six months away. I would roll my eyes and tut-tut their behavior but my palms would still get all sweaty and I would get anxious cause this was the first time anyone had showed any interest in me.

My studious character and being the teacher's pet may've been some of the reasons why nothing had happened till now. I had witnessed the love my parent's had for each other, one which helps each other grow and not limit, which was the main reason I didn't want to chase something fleeting, even though watching Sarah and Hannah hang out with their boyfriends more sucked big-time.

I applied some lipgloss as soon as I was a little away from home taking the short-cut to school. I didn't want Mum to see me like this cause she'd then not stop asking till she knew everything, but I couldn't afford that since even I didn't know everything. I had to look pretty, smile and be approachable cause anyday soon I was expecting a Prom-posal.

"Hey Princess!! Is that make-up on your face?!" Ryan Rutherford, the yet-untitled-expected Prom King, questioned getting down from his swanky new Mercedes, which was his birthday gift, courtesy his Daddy dearest as he bragged to everyone.

"Why, do I need your permission before putting some on?!" said mutual mockery was after the fact that we were both contending for the Valedictorian spot this year.

"Ooh, she bites!!" Ryan commented at which his fawn brigade- girls who used to fawn over him and guys who wanted to be him followed him, laughed.

"And is looking forward to burning you in debate competition today!!" I retorted before excusing myself.

Ugh, he always brings out the worst in me, especially when I want these six months to have nothing but positivity.

Inner Peace.

Inner Peace.

Today is a Friday. I wanted the rose in my locker to be the reward I enjoy after winning the debate. I prepped in the library with whatever cue cards I had previously made.

Ryan seemed distracted somehow for I actually managed to bring him down better than expected. He was a politician's son. Oratory is in his blood. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect it to be such smooth sailing. Hannah and Sarah cheered from the audience everytime my argument won. My victory seemed unexpected to even the teachers for they smiled wide as everyone does when a dark horse takes lead.

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