Chapter - XXX

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The scuffle turned out to be a verbal spat between the French chef and Spanish staff in the kitchen over the upcoming dinner menu and how it should be best served. Both were at the verge of having a cussing match in their mother tongue. The expression Matt had on his face was hilarious, it was of an adult being stuck between two overgrown babies.

Rose laughed out loud when she walked into the kitchen closely followed by Arthur, even he had difficulty keeping a straight face.

Matt couldn't stop the grin creeping up his face when he saw Rose so carefree since it was the first time he'd seen so since their acquaintance.

Arthur's throaty coughing brought Matt's imagination back to the kitchen and he glared at his staff which made them shut up instantly.

Turning towards Rose, Matt exclaimed, "Let's get some work done while we're here," motioning for her to move to his study where the updated proposal of Regalia awaited them.

No sooner did Matt and Rose step into the study followed by Arthur, did they feel something was amiss. Black ink was dripping off the old plans which were up on the display board.

"I don't remember using any ink, did you?!" Rose enquired looking at Matt. He shrugged his shoulders but held Rose's forearm to stop her from getting close to it.

Turning the plan over with the edge of a pen, dark letters glared at them,

                                             Don't trust him

Rose's face paled as she recognised the handwriting, Arthur flexed his jaw while the kind of anger visible on Matt's face was enough to ruin someone's life forever.

Turning to Arthur, Matt questioned, "How is it that with such security measures a guy waltzes into my study to advise us?"

The glare-off between them could've set fire to dry wood if there were any in the surrounding.

"It's maybe because you don't trust me with complete information and autonomy. Firearms are hidden from me, floor plans of the house have still not been shared, guests come and go as they please without proper vetting, resulting in a two-penny stalker acting God!!" thundered Arthur who was in no mood to back down or take responsibility of this miss.

Rose took a step to try and pacify the scenario but they both turned at her with their glares still intact, at which she retorted putting her hands up, "It's not like I showed the guy around the house. It's not my fault. I should be the one screaming and shouting since am being stalked."

Rose's response and demeanor was very confident and in control despite this being the fourth place her stalker had advertised his presence. Matt and Arthur's stance softened a bit on hearing that.

Arthur looked back at Matt demanding, "I need access to the cctv feed and all old as well as new plans of this house with an up-to-date inventory of the firearms you command."

"I'll be shadowing Ms. Tyler 24*7. I leave your responsibility on Robert.", Arthur stated matter-of-factly to Matt.

Getting really up and close to Arthur, Matt whispered away from Rose's earshot, "I hope to see you practice the professionalism you're well-known for!! I don't like anyone close to what's mine and I certainly am not the forgiving kind."

Arthur smirked,"Worried she might like me more than she likes you?!"

"She wouldn't be here if she didn't like me." Matt responded with confidence enough to melt iron.

A small smile crept up Arthur's face, "She'll have everything she desires, I'll make sure of that."

Police was informed of the intrusion and the inked plans handed over for analysis. The perpetrators had been very careful so far, there weren't any fingerprints or DNA at either of the locations. Security system at the Tyler place hadn't been messed with so nothing was captured on the external cameras. Since there had never been any new staff at their place no cameras were installed inside the house.

Matt's place had been different and surrounded making it an even bigger headache as to how they entered. The camera in the study was blackened so it couldn't capture the perp's face while the camera outside was tilted up 90 degrees so again nothing was traceable. It was as if they flew in and disappeared as smoke.

The next two days Matt and Arthur tried to maintain decorum but the smallest of things would bring them to loggerheads. Rose would sigh, look heavenwards and continue with her work, her secretary Tara would come in daily and leave as per office schedule. Matt's study looked like a twin office.

Neither would speak or interrupt, both working together felt like the most natural co-existence. Rose would occasionally smile thinking of it and Tara would stare at her face because she could not recall her boss ever having any expression other than a stoic, professional one. Rose noticing this would revert back to her old self.

In two days time the official tender submission and result announcement was scheduled, it wasn't too hyped so as not to burden the state but it had its share of attention from the local media, intelligentsia and activists therefore the plans were to be formally presented and discussed in the presence of all attendees before the plan was voted and tender allotted.

Rose was guarding the details it seemed with her life, no one knew all details at once except her or maybe Thomas but even he wasn't poking with a fine-toothed comb and Rose had the ultimate say since it was her dream project. Matt too was not interfering with her creative flow and ideas, the finances involved was the only parameter he was keeping a strict eye on cause he didn't want to lose out on a basic differentiator, even though he could afford to do the whole project for free and maybe that would glorify him even more in the eyes of Boston crowd, which was already looking forward to him.

He wanted to do things as Rose wanted.

If she wanted to do it for free, it would happen for free.

With the existing Regalia plans, Rose had incorporated the elements she'd planned for every knook and crany into an animated tour guide which would give everyone an idea of how the place would look once it was completed. It was calming and charming to say the least and as Matt had complimented the plans, "One would want to stay there."

The reception/sitting area along with the big hall downstairs would be transformed into the perfect party venue like it had been in the 1940s bringing back the nostalgia and modernised with just enough touches to not overpower the other.

The day before the event Rose was nervous even if she didn't show it. Up until Matt had shown up, she felt this would be her snapping up her dream project like it were a pastry she wanted from a shop display but the array of surprises seemed hell-bent on throwing a spanner into the works.

A very official looking post arrived for her at Wharf House which arose her suspicions, maybe since Ryan knew she working from here for the time-being the document had been sent over. Tara was the only person present when she ripped open the envelope and pulled out the paper. Tara's scream brought Matt and Arthur running, who were discussing regarding tomorrow's precautions in the drawing hall to Matt's study.

                      He'll die if he accompanies you tomorrow

A/N: chills* Threats unnerve me. What do you think is in store in the upcoming chapter?!

Stay safe, happy reading and don't forget to vote.

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