twenty-seven; fireflies

Start from the beginning


Kennedy sat in the passenger seat of Lydia's car, now changed into Lydia's old blue sweater. "So," Kennedy said, "Where are we going?"

Lydia shrugged, "The store." She stated. "Just needed a drive to clear my mind." She said shortly. Kennedy nodded, looking out the car window. "So, bad fight in the Hale house?" Lydia commented, gesturing to the healing wounds on Kennedy's face.

The Hale chuckles, "Something like that," She says. Kennedy looks around in confusion as Lydia pulls up to the local swimming place. "Um, Lydia?"

Instead of answering, Lydia nonchalantly walks out of the car. Muttering under her breath, Kennedy follows suit. Lydia didn't seem to notice where she was until she looked up from her phone. "This isn't the store." Lydia whispers.

"No, I think this is a pool." Kennedy says sarcastically. Both girls look around, unsure what this meant. "The hot girl is always one of the first people to die."

Lydia looks over, "What?" She asks.

"In the movies, the hot girl is always one of the first people to die." Kennedy begins, "Except we're both hot, so who's going to die first?"

The redhead rolls her eyes, looking at the pool in confusion. Her face drops. "Oh, God."

"What- oh, my God." Kennedy uttered out as there was a figure in the pool. Not just any figure; a body.

"Oh, my God, please don't be dead." Lydia mumbled.

Kennedy looked at Lydia, "He looks dead!" She retorts. Lydia and Kennedy subconsciously step closer to each other as they near the body in the water. Kennedy gets a scent, unsure if it's the body or not. Lydia kneels down, grabbing the body's arm. She quickly flips it around, and to both girls relief it's a dummy.

"Oh, my God." Lydia let's put a relieved sigh, "Are you kidding me?"

"That is so not cool!" Kennedy groans. The scent fills her nose again, "But what is that smell-" She looks down at her shoes just as Lydia looks at her hands. Kennedy's white shoe was in the middle of a puddle of blood. Lydia looks at Kennedy, her own hands covered in the same substance. Both girls slowly turned around, looking up at the lifeguards chair. A man sat there, his throat slashed. Blood pooling onto the pavement. Both girls looked at him in terror, letting out screams.

Kennedy grabbed Lydia, pulling her away from the scene. "We have to call the cops!" Lydia yelled, pulling out her phone. The girls approached Lydia's car, and Kennedy climbed into the passenger seat to grab her own cell.

Stiles's phone rang twice before he answered. "Kennedy! Where are you?"

"Im with Lydia," Kennedy said, anxiously running a hand through her hair. "We were just driving, and Lydia and I found a body, and there's blood-"

Stiles stood up from his desk, "Wait, what?" Instinctively the boy grabbed his car keys, "Where are you? I'll be right there."

Kennedy sucked in a heavy breath as Lydia talked with the police. "The local swimming pool." She said quietly.

"I'll be there soon, just don't go anywhere."

And Stiles was right, he was there sooner than Kennedy anticipated. The blue Jeep halted, and he flings himself out. "Ken? Kennedy?" He saw his girlfriend standing with Lydia, and he rushes over. His arms wrapped around her tightly, and Lydia admired them for a moment. Lydia didn't know how to feel about Stiles and Kennedy for a long time, but it was clear Stiles was the best thing that happened to her best friend. Aside from Lydia herself, of course. Stiles pulled away, his arms still around Kennedy as he looked at both girls, "Are you two okay?"

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