Kuuga: "Well-"

Arcane: "Our quirks are controlled by our eyes, the mist can be manipulated if we focus on a certain area, allowing us to form anything from barriers, weapons, and other stuff, but the more we control, or how durable we make it to be, our eyes can feel the weight the impact it takes or the weight of the controlled water droplets, possibly leading for our eyes to strain. But my son here took it to the next level and controlled multiple items, making them thick enough to deal damage to opponents, so Recovery Girl has to patch one eye first and let it rest, before removing it and applying for the other eye."

Kuuga: "She didn't ask you, you know?"

Arcane: "Perhaps I'm answering it for you, since you should be resting and not answering complicated questions."

Sero: "Where's Recovery girl?"

Arcane: "She left to get something, but she said Kuuga can go now."

Kuuga: "I'm gonna rest here and wait for the awardings."

Kirishima: "You don't want to watch the finals?"

Kuuga: "I'll pass for now, I've seen enough fights."

Present Mic: "It's finally the last battle of the U.A High School sports festival!"

Kuuga: (sighs) "You guys should watch the match, I'll be fine."

Everyone nodded as they left the room, Kuuga's classmates and his mom left in the opposite direction as Arcane called out to them.

Arcane: "Hey."

Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Jiro turned around with wandering faces.

Arcane: "I saw the four of you supporting him to go all out a while ago, thank you for being patient with him; no, treating him as a friend.

The four smile at her.

Kirishima: (thumbs up) "He's a manly person!"

Arcane smiles sweetly at them before leaving with her companions.


Timeskip the final match since Kuuga doesn't get involved with it.

Present Mic: "And now, all of the events have been completed! The winner of this year's sports festival is… from Class A, Katsuki Bakugo!"

Recovery Girl wakes up Kuuga, who is asleep on the medical bed.

Kuuga: (stirs awake) "Huh?"

Recovery Girl: "The awarding ceremony is almost here, up you go. I'll remove your eye bandages since your eyes seem to be fully recovered now. Up you go."

Kuuga sits up from the bed, grabbing his canned matcha tea, he stands up from the bed and bows in front of Recovery Girl.

Kuuga: (bows) "Thank you for treating my injuries, I apologize for troubling you."

Recovery Girl: "Don't worry about it, sweetie. It's part of my work, now go."

She hands him a single gummy bear as he nods and leaves the room towards an elevator area, meeting Todoroki and a chained up Bakugo standing on what appears to be an elevator podium stand.

Kuuga: "Why is he restrained?"

Todoroki: "I don't know."


Midnight is seen standing in front of all the first year students and a rectangular hole behind her.

Midnight: "All of the first year events for this year's U.A sports festival have been completed. And now, we will begin the awarding ceremony!"

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