"Don't play with me. Don't try to make it seem like I'm in the wrong for doing what I had to do. Her picking on me is fine? You don't have shit to say about that?"

"I'm not saying that the shit she did is fine-"

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. I feel like you're bypassing the fact that she started with me and it's making me mad. I don't feel like fussing with you right now."


Destinee squinted her eyes together looking up at her boyfriend. The simple Ight still didn't sit right with her. She assumed that maybe she was just trippin so she let it go.

Despite what TJ was saying or trying to get across she was standing on what she said and how she felt. She didn't see herself being in the wrong at all and refused to let TJ make her feel that way.

Amaya had it coming.

Since their trip got delayed, today was the day of Kierra and JB's trip to Dubai. Kierra ran her hands through her freshly installed frontal followed by a deep sigh. For the past few hours she's been debating on outfit choices. She only had two more hours to be packed and ready.

On top of that she grew emotional a few times due to getting fussed at by Jeremiah because of her slow packing.

"Kierra just bring both!" JB continued to fuss, "you've been packing since early this morning and still don't have your shit together."

"Stop yelling at me! If you'd help me-"

"Help you pick between two of the same outfits just different colors? Shut up."

"I'll send your ass to Dubai by your damn self."

"I need a break from your ass anyhow."

"Now I'm breaking up with you."

"I'll kill you."

Kierra let out a small laugh. She push passed him only to be snatched back and attacked with several rounds of kisses. Even after being with him for awhile, Kierra still got butterflies and hints of nervousness when receiving affection. They were young and in love, their love itself kept them high.

"I have to finish packing." She laughed between kisses, "we can do all the kissing you want later but as of now I need your help."


Eventually Jeremiah gave in and helped Kierra out with picking outfits. Their trip to Dubai was suppose to be a getaway. A getaway from reality and all the trials and tribulations of life they had to face on a daily.

On top of that they wanted to spend some quality time together, no distractions. Just peace and great scenery . It was well needed.

"Kierra we need to be to the airport in thirty minutes."

"I'm ready, I'm ready. Thank you for your help, sir even though I've been asking you."

"Stop playing with me." Jeremiah mumbled. He grabbed her luggage preparing to take them to the car. Kierra thanked him on his way out.

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