If I met Soundwave

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Hey my sillies and billies it is Me SiD! Let us hop into the magic ground bridge portal!

*On the Nemisis*

I Immediately have a near-death experience a vehicon almost stepped on me. I peed my pants a little, screamed, and rolled out of the way. The Vehicon jumped when I screamed. Looked like he might have peed a little. But when he saw me, he transformed his hand into a gun and pointed it at me. So I ran like heck down the hallway.                                                                                                                   

After a while, I realized that the worker wasn't chasing me. Probably because I wasn't worth his time, but that's when I ran into Soundwave. I could have gone unnoticed if I hadn't screamed when I ran into his foot. What? It surprised me! He looked down at me curiously, so I waved at him. "Hiya! I'm Sid!" He stared blankly at me for a while. Oh right, a vow of silence. I decided to have some fun with it, an evil grin forming on my face. I pull out the Teleportation thingamajig that Wheeljack stole from a Decepticon. (different universe cyberverse).

"Let There be Carnage" -Vemon or something, idk.                                                                                                
Soundwave's POV                                                                                                                                                                 I tried to analyze the device in the human's serv- hand, but it vanished before I could receive a full reading on it. A teleportation mechanism, how did such a primitive beast get its small hands on such a tool? It was of no consequence to me. The human was gone. I had to get back to work nevertheless. I proceeded to stride down the corridor.                                                                                          

Abruptly I felt a slight mass fastened to my stabilizer. The human was back and was doing what humans would refer to as "pulling my leg." I reached down to extract it, but it teleported onto my shoulder- as humans would say. I tried to get rid of it a couple more times, my actions having the same outcome. "So, I think we should start over." Its excited voice was loud and feminine. "I'm Sid, and I know who you are." Hmmm, "sus." As the humans would say. 

I appreciate human slang or any exotic slang of any indigenous lineage. It just so happened that human jargon had oodles of words and phrases that were leisurely to say. That doesn't mean I like the foul beings. "Psst!" I rolled my optics under my visor. Were all humans this noisy when they were attempting to be quiet. "How do you eat? When were you made? Have you ever choked someone out? Wait a minute! That wouldn't work because..." 

I thought humans needed to breathe!

 I considered turning off my audio receptors but realized if something happened where Megatron came me and I couldn't hear, it wouldn't be Gucci. "Do you know what vine is?" I froze. Vine is the best platform humans have to offer. In response, I played audio. "An Avocado! Thanks." Sid nearly fell over, which would be deadly for her. I played another audio. "You nearly made me drop my croissant!" 

"Oh. My. Gucci." She aired herself and took a breath. She saw some of the vehicles stroll past and had an idea. "Look at all those chickens!" I could'nt help but chuckle silently under the mask. She felt the vibrations and grinned. We kept quoting vines and Memes until I rounded the corner and accidentally ran into Lord Megatron. Scrap, I bowed my head apologetically. Sid teleported before he could see her. 

"Very uncharacteristic of you," he watched me questioningly. I kept my body language-neutral, but the damned vine "Its free real estate" popped into my processor, scrap! Scrap! Scrap! I struggled to refrain from snickering. Sid came back and teleported on top of Megatron's dome. I have never in all my life heard him shriek like that. Don't trip homie. He snatched Sid, and the teleportation device fell to the ground. It shattered like Deku's bones.

 "How did you get on this ship again?" Sid shrugged "magic?" Megatron narrowed his eyes. "I don't believe in your pitiful human magic." He tossed her at me. "Throw her out the airlock. We're not wasting any energy on it." After he left, I placed the human on the ground. I pointed down the hallway. It was time for her to go. She understood and ran down the hallway. I went back to watching in-to work.

"There is only one race, the human race.""wHaT aBoUt NaScAr!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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