{Chapter 14} Weak

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TW//Angst, mentioning events of previous chapter.
No ones POV

"George?" Dream said through the phone. "Dream?" George said and sniffled...

"Oh my god you're okay" Dream said and let out a sigh of relief, he had never been so scared in his life. George is his life and he couldn't lose him. "Dream I'm sorry" George said as he cried softly. "For what Georgie? You did nothing wrong" Dream said in a calming voice while tears ran down cheeks. "For leaving you" George said and sniffled. "No it's okay George don't worry about it.. You're okay now right? Just leave the house okay?" Dream said softly and bit his lip.

Wilbur nodded at Dreams words "We need to leave George" He said and stood up holding out his hand for George. George took it and carefully got out of bed. They climbed out of the window and got into Wilburs car. George just looked into the void, he didn't feel anything right now. He can't believe what had happened. "George" he heard Wilbur say but it sounded like it was a thousand miles away. He started to feel sick, he opened the door and threw up on the ground next to the car. He let out a few coughs and sat back in the chair wiping his mouth with tears in his eyes.

"You okay George?" Wilbur asked softly and George simply nodded. "Can we just leave" He mumbled and Wilbur started driving. Dream stayed silent on the call, he had no idea as what he should do.

"No Dream. I'm an adult, I need to learn how to protect myself"

Those words kept bouncing around in George's head, he can't protect himself. He's nothing, he just some guy who can't even stand up to his own dad. Someone weak. He felt horrible for putting Dream and Wilbur through this. All he thought about was himself when he left America. "I'm so selfish" George started after what felt like hours of silence. "What?" Wilbur and Dream said simultaneously. "I knew they weren't accepting but I still left not even thinking about the consequences. You guys should never have needed to go through this." George said and bit his lip to try stop himself from crying.

"No George, you were selfless. You went to protect me. Even tho I said I wanted to come with you. You said I needed to do it alone and didn't want them to be rude to me. You are so strong George." Dream said and a few tears escaped George's eyes, he couldn't say anything. So there it was again. Silence.


Wilbur pulled up in his driveway "we're here" he softly said and got out of the car, he walked to George's side and opened the door for him. George got out and almost fell over so Wilbur held him close as they walked inside the house. "Sorry for the mess... you can just stay in my bed" Wilbur said and have George a little smile. "No need I'll just stay on the couch. But thank you." George said and sat on the couch. "George it's fine, you c-" Wilbur started but got cut of by George. "I'll stay on the couch Wilbur. You're to tall and I feel bad enough already" George said and Wilbur just nodded a little. "Sorry..." George sighed "I left all the stuff I had with me at my parents house." George said and put his head in his hands. "That's fine you can borrow some of my stuff and we can buy you new stuff" Wilbur said and George nodded. 
Wilbur went to his room to get some stuff for George. Dream was still on the phone.

"George?" Dream softly said and took in a deep breath. "Yes Dream?" George answered and looked at the black phone screen. "I love you so much" Dream said and sighed. Dream was laying in bed with tear stained cheeks. All he wanted was to just hold George till it was okay. But he couldn't. "I love you too Dream" George said and a few tears fell.

"But you can't love me Dream"

"What? Why not?" Dream said confused and sat up in bed. "All I make is problems. It's better if I just go away." George said and started crying. "Even my parents don't want me Dream. I'm nothing" he cried into his hands. "George don't think like that. You are everything to me. You have friends who love you and all you bring me is happiness." Dream said and cried a little. He couldn't have George break up with him. "Is that really true?" George asked and wiped his eyes. "Yes George. It's really true"

Wilbur came back with blankets a pillow and some joggers and hoodie. He handed them to George. "Do you need anything George?" Wilbur asked and let out a yawn. "Can I borrow your phone for tonight?" He asked and looked at Wilbur who nodded. "Just please delete your nudes after" Wilbur said sleepily and left George flustered "God no- not for that. But thank you.." George said and looked at the phone. "If you need anything you can just get it, or call for me" Wilbur said and walked of  "Goodnight Gogy" Wilbur said. "Goodnight Will" George said and Wilbur closed the door.

George changed into Wilburs way to big clothes. He thought Dreams clothes were big. "I'm drowning in clothes" George said and smiled a little, everything to forget about what happened. "I wanna see George, I wanna see you" Dream said softly and hung up the phone for a second then called with FaceTime. George picked up and hid his face. He saw Dreams face and smiled a little. "The tables have turned, you're the one hiding now" Dream said and chuckled. George took in a deep breath and showed his face, and the little cuts and bruises covering it.

Dream face turned to rage immediately "I'm so gonna kill that fucker. He tried to mess up your beautiful face. He hurt you" Dream said and tears came in his eyes, that's how mad he was. "Dream please stop I don't wanna think about it" George said and looked upset. "I'm sorry George, I'm just so mad. I just wanna hold you" Dream said and got the same look in his face "yeah, that would be nice" George said as he laid down on the couch and pulled the blankets onto of him. They both let out a yawn "Goodnight Dream" George said exhausted of everything. The flight, what happened, the crying. "Goodnight Georgie" Dream said and they both fell asleep. So far apart but close in their hearts.
Sorry for not posting for a while. I had a stressful time aha. I hope you enjoyed, it was kinda boring I think and a little shorter then the previous chapter but I hope it's okay! Thanks for reading :) Bye Bye

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