{Chapter 11} Moving on

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TW// Signs of bulimia, Smut..

Dream's POV

I woke up in my bed, George nowhere to be seen. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. I stretched and got out of bed. I walked through the hall and stopped when I heard sniffles. It came from the bathroom, I walked over sadly and knocked on the door. "George?" I asked and sighed "Are you okay?". No answer. "George?" I said a bit louder now with concern in my voice. I heard George throw up. "George?! Please open the door" I said and the door opened a few seconds later. I looked down at George. Red eyes, hair a mess, tears running down his cheek. It really shocked me. 

"George whats going on?" I asked and sighed, I kind of knew the answer. I just hoped i would be wrong.

"Nothing" He wiped his mouth and cheeks and stood up. I could see how weak George was looking, he was skin and bones. 

"George speak to me, I know it isnt nothing" I said and he looked me in the eyes.

"I dont wanna talk about it" He said softly and I nodded. "Okay" I said.

"Lets get some breakfast" I asked and looked at George who shook his head.

"Im not hungry" George told me but I didnt believe it.

"George you dont have to not eat and throw up to be skinny. You are beautiful George, you always have been. Please dont continue with what youre doing. Its unhealthy. I love you like the way you are George. Even if you would weigh as much as a house. Youre are my Georgie. okay? so now come have breakfast with me, you wont have to eat much. Just a little." I rambled and looked at George. 

George was speechless so he just nodded. We walked through the house till we ended up in the kitchen. George sat down at the counter and put his head in his hands. I started to make pancakes, looking over at George a few times to see how he was doing. After a bit I had finished the pancakes, I made like 8 of them. I put them all on a plate and sat in infront of George. I took to other plates and put them next to the plate with pancakes. I took one pancake from the pile and put it on Georges plate and then put one on my own.

George took a bite and looked like he was gonna throw up again so I got him a glass of water and a comforting smile. George took a deep breath and took small bites till he finished his pancake. I had already finished 3. "Im proud of you" I said and George looked at me and got a little smile. "Thank you for making me do this" George said softly. "Anytime George"

"When are we gonna talk about us?" He asked and I looked at him shocked. "Uhh- uhm- now?" I said stuttering and he nodded.

"Why did you get a whore?" George asked with a trace of hurt on his voice. 

"Because Im stupid George. I felt alone and I know its not an excuse. But I didnt know what to do anymore and I didnt wanna put a burden on you with my problems... I dont even know why I did it George, and I wish I wouldve never done it." I said and looked down at my hands. 

"How will we move on?" George asked and sighed. "You told me you had some feelings for me and just needed to sort it out. What I saw last night didnt look like you sorting anything out"

"I know George... I know" I said and rubbed my head "I want to move on with you George. I will try my absolute best to gain your trust again. I just wanna have fun with you. Youre in America, and yeah I messed up big time and you can be mad at me for however long you want. But can we try have fun now youre here?" I asked and looked at George. 

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