{Chapter 10} Something Special

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TW//very very light smut, argument, vomit, mature language.

Dream was laying in bed, he was so tired of taking care of his mom. It had been a few days since George and him talked and he missed him. He missed George a lot. He curled up in a ball holding onto a pillow. "I dont wanna be alone anymore" Dream softly said as a tear escaped his eye. He has been feeling like shit since he had to leave George. He needed something to distract him... The doctors told him that his mother wouldnt be awake all day and that he should rest, but everytime he rests he just feel even more like shit.


George got out of bed very early he packed up his stuff and brought it to his car. He got in and started driving, He needed to see Dream now. He couldnt wait anymore. He arrived at the airport and put his suitcase on the thing, he went to the waiting area and sat down. After a while his flight got called so he went through security and boarded the plane. He was a bit afraid of flying but he knows itll be worth it when he sees Dream again... 9 hours later he arrived in the warm dark place thats called Florida. It was already night so it wasnt to crowded but the city was still alive. He got a cab and told him Dreams address he got from Sapnap..


Dream had no idea George was on his way... If he did he wouldnt have been doing what hes doing... He was on the couch laying on his back, no shirt. A strange guy who was ripped ontop of him. they were making out... Touching eachother... Dream just felt so hopeless and needed someone to be close to him, even if they were a stranger to him.  George knocked on the door, huge smile on his face, All kinds of green flowers in his hands. Not expecting his heart to be broken just a few seconds later.

The strange guy opened the door and looked down on George, "How can I help you?" He said and George didnt really think anything of it yet. It could just be one of Dreams friends.. "Does Dream live here?" George asked and looked at him nervously. "Oh yeah, why? You his boyfriend or something?" The guy asked and I shook my head. "Can I come in?" George asked and tried to look past the bigger male. "Uhh sure" He said and opened the door wide so George could enter. He walked into the living room and saw Dream, almost undressed, swollen lips, hickeys. He then looked at the guy and It all fell into place.

"George?!" Dream said shocked and stood up quickly, George was speechless. "Were you and-" He points at the strange guy. "George.." Dream said softly and walked towards him, "No Dream, I thought we had something special. and- and you told me you didnt even know what you were."Georges eyes were burning. "I was lonely George" Dream said and looked at him sadly. "Dont you think I have been lonely? You couldve just told me I wasnt good enough! I wouldnt have come back to America!" George said and started to cry. He dropped the flowers he was holding and rushed out of the house. "George!" Dream yelled and went after him.

George started running, He didnt wanna be near Dream right now. Dream was sprinting after George and since he had way longer legs he could make his way to George fast. He grabbed Georges arm and made the stop running. "Go away!" George said crying and looked at Dream. All Dream saw in his eyes was Hurt, hate, someone broken. He knew he had lost George, he let go. He let the best thing in his life go. Dream just stood there till George was out of sight. Dream felt sick, He walked back in the house and send the guy away. Dream went to the bathroom and hung over the toilet letting everything out. He felt disgusting for doing this to George. How could he.

 George kept running and running till his legs just couldnt take another step. He stopped at a tree and leaned against it and letting himself fall down so he was sitting with his back against the tree. He pulled his knees to his chest and just started sobbing. What is he supposed to do now, now that he lost the person he loved. He had no place to go. He couldnt go back to England since he had dropped his ticket somewhere during the running and he had no money. He had spend it on the flight to America and on a new pc he had ordered. He left all his baggage at Dreams house.

Dream sat outside on the  floor and against the door just waiting for George to come back. He took out his phone and called George. George didnt wanna pick up first but decided it would be better since he is lost. So he picked up.

"George? Where are you?" Dream asked worried.

"I dont know" George answered softly and sniffled.

"Im sorry George, I wasnt thinking. We have something special. I just didnt wanna be alone and I missed you and I... I dont know George" Dream said and a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Why didnt you just call me? Why didnt you ask me to come to you? Why did you have to order a fucking whore?! Why did you have to hurt me like that! You know that I like you and you do this to me!" George was yelling and crying at Dream, He had never been this hurt.

"I didnt know you were coming George"

"Thats even worse! You just wouldnt tell me because you knew I already thought I wasnt good enough, now you just basicly showed me I wasnt" George cried. 

"George you are good enough, You are amazing. You are way to good for me. You'd be better of with someone knew" Dream said also crying.

"But Dream, I dont want someone else. I want you" George didnt sound angry anymore. just completely broken.

"And I want you to but im already breaking your heart" Dream said feeling so guilty that he hurt his George.

"Then lets start over Dream, we could make it work. I just dont want to live without you Dream" George sounded so broken and sad. He never liked anyone since he knew they wouldnt like him back but when Dream showed him otherwise he finally felt something, love. but then why did he have to do this?

"Okay" Dream sniffled " Send me your location...


Dream was on his way over to George, they had hung up the phone since they didnt know what to say anymore. Dream saw George sitting under a tree so he walked over to him. "George?" Dream asked and George raised his head from his arms. He looked destroyed. "Lets go home" Dream said quietly and held out his hand for George to take so he could help him up. George hesitantly took Dreams hand and pulled himself up feeling the ache in his feet again. George looked at Dream for a second and just hugged him. "I missed you..." He said softly. Dream was suprised but hugged back. "I missed you too"

They walked home and went inside the house. "Im tired and my legs hurt" George said and Dream nodded. "You can stay in my bed, Ill just stay here on the couch" Dream said and sat on the couch. "No, I- I dont wanna be alone" George asked softly. He hated himself for doing this to himself, Dream hurt himm so bad but he wants Dream to sleep in the same bed.

"Okay then.." Dream stood up and walked to his room with George, They kicked off their shoes and their clothes leaving them in their boxers. They didnt take a single look at eachother like they usually did.. They just slipped under the covers and stared at eachother. "I thought you loved me always" George said out of nowhere. "I do George. I am just stupid. And I hate myself for it." Dream said softly and looked hurt by Georges words. "Just please dont do anything like this again" George said and Dream nodded.

They moved around a bit not making any touches because they werent sure if they should.. "Fuck it.. Just cuddle me please.. I cant sleep.." George said a few minutes later as he sighed. Dream got up behind George ad put an arm around his waist pulling him closer so their bodies were touching. They both shivered a little but this felt right. 


Wowie, drama. 

Words: 1450

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