{Chapter 2} A joke?

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"Soon George soon"


"Ooohhh Georgee" Dream said with a smile on his face while chasing George. They were playing minecraft manhunt. They were streaming on Georges twitch. Dream had almost caught up to George a few times.. maybe he let him walk for a few times just to see that smile on Georges face. they eventually got to the end and Georges killed the enderdragon with stuggle. George then said bye to the stream and teased Dream for losing. They stayed on vc after the stream.

"loser" George said and laughed. Dream also laughed "Oh shut up." Dream said and smiled. "So Dream" George said not knowing what to say. "So George, I have a suprise for you" Drea said grinning. "You know I hate a suprise!" George said and pouted "I know, you shouldnt have told me im a loser" Dream said chuckling "Tell mee" George said. "Nopeee, Guess" Dream said softly. "Am I finally getting to see your face?" George asked "maybe, but why would you want to see my ugly face?" Dream said sarcastic. "Oh dont say that, Im sure youre as hot as I think you are-" George said and realised what he said. he widened his eyes. Dream also widened his eyes and the vc went quiet. "I have to go" George said "Wait George wh-" Dream said but George left the vc.

"What was that.." Dream said confused and took out his phone and opened snapchat and took a picture of the side of his face only showing his hair and eyebrow. he put the text "George what was that?" on the pic and send it. George almost immediatly opened it instantly. George widened his eyes and took a screenshot. "Fuck-" He said remembering snapchat showed if he took a screenshot.. Dream blushed and George send a photo of the same parts Dream showed but also his eye. "Nothing. and I slipped my finger and screenshotted" was the text George put on the photo. Dream took and picture with Patches in his arms also showing his neck and chin a little.. "It didnt feel like nothing, Patches also thinks that"

George opened it and turned bright red.. Dream was shirtless... and his jawline was just- He stopped himself and took another screenshot. George took a picture showing half of his face obviously seeing the blush he had... He didnt notice it. "Patches is cute asf" Was the only text he put on the picture. Dream opened it and laughed, he took a picture of his eye zoomed in. "i see you blush. is patches that cute?" Dream put under there and giggled then send it. he didnt care about the screenshots.. George went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He opened the snap and looked at dreams zoomed in eye, another screenshot.. George took a picture in the mirror hiding part of his face. "I wasnt blushing, its just warm" George send.

Dream opened it and also took a mirror picture hiding his entire face with his phone and showing George that he had abs :0 he send it forgotting to even put text on there.. He was just teasing George Dream told himself but he wanted George to see him.. It made him feel something..  George opened it and gulped and took another screenshot. He bit his lip and took a picture of his face full with blush and looked directly into the camera "No way thats you." He first put the text there but then removed it and took a deep breath. "Added to Reasons I think im gay" George randomly put and just send it. He started stressing. he opened the chat "please dont open it Dream. it was a mistake. Please" He put and Dream opened the chat "Why not?" Dream responded. "Please just dont" George put back and was still stressing "It cant be that bad" Dream said and george saw the picture go from delivered to opened and skipt a heartbeat.

Dream was so shocked, He alwyas had his suspicions but George just told him. He opened chat. "George? You can talk to me"

"No it was a joke"

"Then why did you send all the messages of telling e not to open it?"

"I dont know"

"George you can talk to me. Do you want to call? Maybe I can try help you"

"Fine, Ill call you"

George was stressing so much.. Dream didnt believe it was a joke ofcourse.. George went to the messages app and called Dream, a few seconds later Dream answered. 

"Hey George" Dream said softly

"Hey Dream" He said almost to soft for dream to hear

"Are you okay?" Dream asked with a caring voice.

"No Dream, Im not actually. I just said.. that.. and I dont even know. and I probably made you so uncomfortable. I understand if you hate me know. Im so sorry" George rambled and his voice broke tearing up

"Please George calm down, I dont hate you. I just wanna try and help you. I accept you for who ever you are George. You being gay or something doesnt change anything. Youre still my Gogy" Dream said trying to comfort him

George was quiet for a moment "Thank you Dream.. I wanted to tell you for a bit now.. I just didnt know how.. and seeing you just shut my brain of for a second and it just happened"

"Oh so I drive you crazy" Dream said in a teasing voice "Sorry" Dream was nt that good at being serious.

"ha ha Dream" George said and smiled a little "Dont worry, I know you cant be serious for more then 5 minutes" George said and chuckled a little wiping his eyes.

"That is so not true!" Dream said acting offened but knowing it was true. 

They chuckled then there was a silence for a second. Dream now was curious of George thought of him..

"What did you think of me?" Dream asked softly and shyly

"Well.. You look.. very good... " George said softly..

"Really?" Dream asked and blushed.

"Yes" George said and there was a silence again.

"Can I see you?" Drea said in a low voice...

George didnt say anything.. he went to the bathroom and took a similar picture that Drea did and send it.. Dream opened it showing Georges chest and stomach.. He didnt have abs like Dream but Dream thought it was beautiful..  He blushed also taking a screenshot.. 

"What do you think..." George said softly... still blushing..

"I- uhm.. I dont know" Dream didnt wanna say what he thought.

"cmon Dream... You must have some feedback.. You can tell me if you think i ugly.." George said kinda knowing Dream would give feedback now..

"Youre not ugly, Youre.. Hot"

"Youre funny... You are, not me.."

"George.. You are."

"Okay... If you say so..." 

There was a silence again, it was late for George.. He fell asleep with Dream on call..

Dream heard Georges breath slow down and soft snores.. He thought back to their conversation.. He didnt know what to think.. its just friends complementing eachother right? This was normal. right? Drea also fell asleep.. listening to George sleep.. 


Thanks for reading people. This story is a mess oop. comment donw below what you think.   

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