{Chapter 13} Leaving

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TW//Slurs, homophobia, abuse
No ones POV
A few weeks has passed and Dream and George were having the time of their lives. They haven't left each other side since the incident that happened when George just came to America. Now they were sitting on the couch, George needed to tell something to Dream but he did not know how. George needed to leave, he needed to go back to England. He was gonna tell his parents that he is gay, and he needed to do it alone. George was lost in his thought and Dream noticed. "What's up with you today Georgie?" Dream said and put his hand on George's thigh to calm him down. "I have to tell you something Dream, and it's not gonna be fun." George said and looked Dream in the eyes. Dream sighed and nodded preparing for the worse.

"I need to leave Dream, just for a little while." George said with so much hurt in his voice.

"What? Why?" Dream said surprised and hurt. "I'm gonna tell my parents that... that I'm gay" George softly said and took Dreams hands.
"I'll come with you George don't be crazy" Dream said and looked a little confused. "Dream I need to do it alone, they're not very accepting and I don't want them to be rude to you. But after they know I will come back okay?" George said and let a tear fall.

"George that's even more reason for me to come with you. So I can protect you" Dream said and wiped George's tear. "No Dream. I'm an adult I need to learn how to protect myself" George said and sighed. Dream knows he can't really change George's mind. Dream sighed "How long will you be gone?" Dream asked and rubbed his head. "A week at most" George said softly and looked over at Dream "I'm sorry Dream"

"No I understand George, just be safe when you go. When do you go?" Dream asked and sighed trying to accept it. "Tomorrow" George whispered. "Tomorrow? That's soon" Dream looked at George "I'll help you pack" Dream said trying to comfort George, even tho it hurt Dream.

They went to their room and started to pack George's things in silence. Both afraid to speak. They think if they do they will burst out crying. Dream slipped in his favorite hoodie in George's bag and zipped it up. "All done" Dream said softly and got onto the bed. George nodded and looked sad, he crawled onto the bed and laid against Dream who put an arm around him. "I will miss you so much Dream" George said and his voice broke. "I will miss you too my Georgie" Dream sighed and held onto George tighter. George tilted his head so he looked Dream in the eyes. "I love you Dream" George said softly and sniffled. Dream softly kissed George "I love you too George"

They fell asleep in each others arms not wanting to think about the next day. George would be leaving, even tho it was just for a week. It was hard for them. They needed each other. George we most scared, he knows it won't go well and that he might not be back in a week. He's scared for how his dad will react.

They were standing in the airport with George stuff. George's flight was about to board. They were hugging each other tightly "I love you always" Dream softly whispered in George's ear "I love you always" George said back, both had tears running down their face. George started to walk away "wait" Dream said, George turned around and Dream kissed him. The kiss lasted a few seconds before George pulled away "I'll see you soon Georgie" Dream said and George walked again "I'll see you soon" George said before he disappeared in the crowd. He didn't look back, he couldn't. George had left America. Had left Dream. Dream felt like a part of him had left. He went home and got in bed. He pulled out his phone and looked at pictures of him and George and smiled softly while tears clouded his vision.

George had landed hours later, he texted Dream saying he landed but got no response. Dream had fallen asleep earlier. He was exhausted from crying. George ordered an Uber which later picked him up and dropped him off in front of his parents house. He knocked and his mom opened. "George!" She said excited and hugged him. "You're back! Come in come in" she said and George walked in. "Yeah I wanted to come visit" George said smiling a bit nervous. They sat on the couch where his dad was. "So mom, dad. I have to tell you guys something" George started and smiled a little. "Ohh do you finally have a girlfriend?" His mom squealed exited and smiled at George. "Well about that.. I have always known I was different. I never really fit in and recently I have found out why and I wanted to share it with you guys because I love you so much" George said and paused for a few seconds. "So I have figured out that- that I don't like girls.. I like guys the way I'm supposed to feel about girls.." George said softly and his mom and dad looked at him confused. "So you're.... Gay" His mom asked softly and George nodded. "No" is all his dad said. "No?" George repeated. "You are not gay son, you're just confused" He said and sounded a little angry.

"No dad you don't understand-" George began but got cut off by his dad "Don't tell me what I understand or not!" He raised his voice. "Dad you can't control me anymore, I'm an adult and I have a boyfriend who I love with all my heart and who loves me. I left him in America to come tell you guys. Because your my parents." George said and sighed knowing it was a mistake. "I need a minute" His mom said and left the room. "You will not be returning to America" His dad said and stood up. "Not until you know that the fantasy your living is bullshit!" His dad yelled and George looked away scared "Dad please, it's still me. I'm still your son." George said almost begging. "No fags is a son of mine!" He yelled and got closer to George. "Please don't call me that" George said and started crying a little.


George dad slapped George. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO" George's dad yelled. "Dad! Please" George cried as he held the side of his face. His dad just started punching George. It felt like a lifetime to George. After a while his dad left the house and slammed the door behind him. George stumbled to his old room and locked it and burst out in tears. He he bruises already forming on his face, his lip nose and eyebrow were bleeding. He took out his phone but it got smashed during what happened downstairs. George laid himself down on the bed and just cried. He wanted Dream to be here now to hold him and tell him it would be okay. But he can't because George left him. He remembered he had an old phone in his drawer. He took it out and dialed Dream.

Dream picked up "Hey Georg-" Dream began but heard his cries. "Dream I'm sorry" George said and cried. "George?! What happened?!" Dream said concerned. "M-my father" George managed to say and got flashbacks of earlier. "George please" Dream cried so worried for George. "Call the police" Dream said and George said nothing back. George had passed out, the pain just made him so tired and just everything. He couldn't stay awake anymore.

Dream hung up the phone and dialed Wilbur. Wilbur picked up after a few rings. "Dream? Hey how can I help you?" Wilbur said cheerfully. "George is hurt Wilbur." Dream cried. "Woah Dream calm down tell me what happened" Wilbur said and Dream took a few deep breaths. "Me and George have been dating for a few weeks and he went home to tell his parents- a-and I think his dad didn't like it and hurt him" Dream said still crying "fuck" Wilbur said "are you sure?". "He called me and- and he sounded hurt and was crying and stopped talking Wilbur please help him" Dream said desperate. "Okay uhm, where is he?" Wilbur said and Dream heard him getting some stuff in the other side of the phone. "Parents house. Please save him Will I can't live without him" Dream cried. "Dream calm down please, I will go there now. Just hang in there okay? George will be okay" Wilbur said and left his house and started driving to George's parents house. "Okay okay" Dream said and sighed. He heard Wilbur driving for a while as he stayed silent. He then heard Wilbur stop his car.

"Are you there Will?" Dream asked quickly "Yes Dream. I am. His room is on the ground floor so I'm gonna go look if he's there okay?" Wilbur said and Dream nodded even tho He couldn't see it. Wilbur went around the back and saw George on his bed. No movement. Wilbur pushed open the window that was slightly opened and went in. "George??" Wilbur said and let out a gasp. Dream felt like he was dying over there, he couldn't breath. He should've there for George but there's nothing he can do. "Is he okay?" Dream cried and hoped he would be fine. "I don't know Dream." Wilbur said and started to panic. "He's breathing" Wilbur added. George heard sounds so he opened his eyes and saw Wilbur. He didn't recognize him so he tried to get away but Wilbur held him down "DON'T HURT ME" George yelled and Wilbur looked sad "George is me don't worry. Calm down you're hurt" Wilbur said softly and George stopped moving.

"Wilbur?" George said and started crying. "He hurt me Will" he said and Wilbur hugged him. "I know buddy it's gonna be okay" Wilbur said and George held him tightly.

"George?" Dream said through the phone. "Dream?" George said and sniffled.
So I haven't written in a while, I had a hard time writing for some reason. It was a sad chapter but I needed to add some drama to it. Thanks for reading! Bye bye💕

Words: 1752

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