"She's six! Anyway, it's limited edition." Harley laughed before completely changing the topic. "..When can we talk about New York?"

"Maybe never, relax about it."

"What about The Avengers, your girlfriend is one of them; Sunbeam, right? Can you talk about them?" Harley asked as he followed alongside Tony as they got closer to the explosion site.

"I don't know, later. Hey kid, give me a little space." Tony extended his arm to keep Harley at a distance while he did his best to keep control over his breathing. They soon stopped in front of the site, Tony did a quick look around before asking a question. "What's the official story here? What happened?"

"I guess this guy named Chad Davis, used to live roundabouts, won a bunch of medals in the army. One day, folks said he went crazy and made, you know, a bomb." Harley explained as he sat down near the small crater made by the explosion. "Then he blew himself up right here."

Tony on the other hand; moved to get a closer look, running his hands over the scorched marks left behind of the victim's bodies on the wall. "Six people died, right?"


"Including Chad Davis?"

"Yeah, yeah." Harley watched as Tony continued to walk around, looking at the shadows of victims on the wall.

"Yeah. That doesn't make sense." Tony states as he comes to sit down next to Harley. "Think about it. Six dead, only five shadows."

"Yeah, people said these shadows are like the mark of souls gone to Heaven." Harley looked around at the walls before looking back at Tony. "Except the bomb guy, he went to Hell on account of he didn't get a shadow. That's why there's only five."

Tony rubbed his goatee. "Do you buy that?"

"That's what everyone says." Harley states before a moment of silence takes place, and he feels inclined to break it. "You know what this crater reminds me of?"

"No idea. I'm not...I don't care."

"That giant wormhole in, um...in New York. Does it remind you?"

Tony rubs one of his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. He turns to give Harley a side eyed look. "That's manipulative. I don't want to talk about it."

Harley pushes on as if Tony's word just went in one ear and out the other. "Are they coming back? The aliens?"

"Maybe. Can you stop?" Tony breaths out. "Remember when I told you, that I have an anxiety issue?"

"Does this subject make you...make you edgy?"

"Yeah, a little bit. Can I just catch my breath for a second?"

"Are there bad guys in Rose Hills? Do you...do you need a plastic bag to breathe into? Do you have medication?" Harley started to list off a bunch of questions, which does not make Tony feel better at all.

Tony takes a deep breath in through his nose and holds it for three seconds before forcefully blowing it out through his mouth. "No."

"Do you need to be on it?"


"Do you have PTSD?"

"I don't think so."

"Are you...are you going completely mental?" Harley asked and paid no mind to the offended look Tony gave him as he continued on. "I can stop, do you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop?"

At this point, Tony's breathing had become more laboured than he would like and no breathing technique was worth doing right now with Harley consistently pestering him with questions that were driving him up a wall.

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن